Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92859 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Abigail Andrews

    Audio Assignments: Radio Bumper

    Creating a radio bumper for me was fun. To do this I used Audacity like I did with the 5 sound story.  First I recorded my voice saying “You’re listening to ds106 radio” in Audacity.  Then I went on Freesound and downloaded the sound called cut copy and paste that was posted by Milton.  I liked this ...
  2. Abigail Andrews

    Radio Story I listened to

    The radio show I listened to this week was:  Sherlock Holmes.  I listened to two episodes of this radio show which included 1. A Case of Identity (1948) and 2. A Scandal in Bohemia (1954).  I really enjoyed listening to the radio shows because I have never really listened to a radio show before.  I usually just ...
  3. Abigail Andrews

    5 Sound Story: A Haunted House

    My 5 sound story includes 5 sounds that I found on the Freesound website.  To make my 5 sound story I listened to a lot of different clips on Freesound and I decided on 5 that I liked the best and that went together like it would a story.  To make this story I downloaded the ...
  4. Abigail Andrews

    DS106 Radio Experience

    Just started listening to #ds106radio for the awesome class of #ds106! — Abbey Andrews (@amandrews93) September 19, 2012 Today I listened to ds106 radio for 1 hour from around 7:45pm-8:45pm EST).  Unfortunately it wasn’t during a live performance.  To start listening to ds106 radio I clicked on the on the link on the ds106 radio page of what was now playing.  It ...
  5. Abigail Andrews

    Week #4 Summary: Into to Audio

    Key points of audio storytelling (what Glass and/or Abumrad described in videos). Here is the post for the radio show I listened to as well as the link to the radio show I listened to which was The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. ds106 Radio listening experience Audio Assignments: ds106 Radio Bumper Five Sound Story At ...
  6. Abigail Andrews

    The Key Points of Audio Storytelling

    I really enjoyed listening to the videos of Ira Glass and Jad Abumrad.  While listening to their videos I took notes so I could remember what they talked about. Ira Glass:  Ira Glass’s video was in four parts and each part talked about something different.  In this post I have embedded all four of his videos.  At the bottom of each ...
  7. Abigail Andrews

    3 Daily Creates for Week 4

    1. September 18, 2012: Today’s theme is “3″ Make a photograph that features the number itself or otherwise represents 3 items These three items are my biology notebook, my biology textbook, and my biology folder. I am currently using these three items to study for my biology test for tomorrow (Wednesday). 2. September 20, 2012: Can graffiti be beautiful?  ...
  8. Abigail Andrews

    Week #3 Summary

    Link to blog post on “First, What is Storytelling?”: Link to blog post of analyzing a movie or a book based on Kurt Vonnegut’s Shape of Stories: Four Daily Creates: 1. September 10, 2012:  Take a picture of anger, or something that makes you angry. Having no internet makes me angry, especailly since I’m taking ...
  9. Abigail Andrews

    4 Daily Creates for Week #3

    1. September 10, 2012: Take a picture of anger, or something that makes you angry. Having no internet makes me angry, well especially now because I’m taking an online class.  I haven’t figured out how to take a screen shot on my computer yet but I took a picture with my phone when I was ...
  10. Abigail Andrews

    The Shapes of Stories on Harry Potter

    For my shape of stories I chose Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by JK Rowling.  According to Vonnegut Harry Potter would probably be considered a Cinderella kind of story.  I think most people have heard of the Harry Potter series but if you haven’t I’ll give you a brief summary of the first book.  Harry Potter is an 11-year-old boy who lives with ...
  11. Abigail Andrews

    Telling Stories with Photos.

    So today I played Five Card Flickr Stories  and this is a link to the story I created: Five Card Story: A Frog in the Nature a Five Card Flickr story created by Abbey Andrews flickr photo by bionicteaching flickr photo by bionicteaching flickr photo by bionicteaching flickr photo by Serenae flickr photo by bionicteaching ...
  12. Abigail Andrews

    in[SPIRE]: Past DS106 Story thoughts

    I had a lot of fun looking through the in[SPIRE] site for ds106.  The story I liked the most was the Swede a Scene by melstehl.  I liked it because it involved one of my favorite movies/books The Hunger Games (you can tell that by looking at the gif I made last week).  I think ...
  13. Abigail Andrews

    What is Story Telling?

    When I think of storytelling I immediately think of people sitting next to a camp fire with one person telling a ghost story.  I don’t know why that is the very first thing that comes to my mind but it does. I also think of story telling as in parents telling their kids a bed ...
  14. Abigail Andrews

    Boot Camp Week #2 Summary!

    Three Daily Creates: 1.  September 3, 2012: Take a photo showing the wide open space, the great outdoors. I chose this picture because it represents a wide open space.  This makes me think of a wide open space because in this picture I was on a cruise as my high school graduation trip.  And we had a ...
  15. Abigail Andrews

    Boot Camp Week #2 Summary!

    Three Daily Creates: 1.  September 3, 2012: Take a photo showing the wide open space, the great outdoors. I chose this picture because it represents a wide open space.  This makes me think of a wide open space because in this picture I was on a cruise as my high school graduation trip.  And we had a ...
  16. Abigail Andrews

    Creating my First GIF

    I’m just going to say it right now that creating a Gif was the hardest thing I did this week.  I did a lot of research on how to do this and downloaded a ton of different software to figure it out.  First thing I saw before I even started thinking about how to make ...
  17. Abigail Andrews

    Creating my First GIF

    I’m just going to say it right now that creating a Gif was the hardest thing I did this week.  I did a lot of research on how to do this and downloaded a ton of different software to figure it out.  First thing I saw before I even started thinking about how to make ...
  18. Abigail Andrews

    Creative Commons

    The first thing I did to look up Creative Commons was google it.  The very first link that came up was for a website called: (also the most useful and imformative) So to do further research I clicked on the about tab.  Creative Commons is a website for copyrighting.  Creative Commons lets other people modify your ...
  19. Abigail Andrews

    Creative Commons

    The first thing I did to look up Creative Commons was google it.  The very first link that came up was for a website called: (also the most useful and imformative) So to do further research I clicked on the about tab.  Creative Commons is a website for copyrighting.  Creative Commons lets other people modify your ...
  20. Abigail Andrews

    Weekly Summary Post #1

    Reflection upon media: I enjoyed watching the videos of the media.  In the first video of Robert Hughes I really liked how he was sitting in front of the Eiffel tower because I always wanted to go to Paris. I like how Hughes says that anyone can create art. You also never know what will come next.  I realized that it ...
  21. Abigail Andrews

    Weekly Summary Post #1

    Reflection upon media: I enjoyed watching the videos of the media.  In the first video of Robert Hughes I really liked how he was sitting in front of the Eiffel tower because I always wanted to go to Paris. I like how Hughes says that anyone can create art. You also never know what will come next.  I realized that it ...

ds106 in[SPIRE]