Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92635 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. andrewjohnsonct101

    DS 106 Daily Creates

    For the final time (for my class), here are my daily creates. I took this video of me working on my DS106 project as desktop work. I took a photo of my street for my next TDC assignment. For the final TDC assignment, I took a photo of my old binoculars, which I have had ...
  2. andrewjohnsonct101

    DS106 Final Project Update

    I have this project in the finishing stages and will have it up soon. Here are photos of me putting together two DS106 radio skits with Audacity. They are not as lengthy as a 20 minute radio show, but I promise it will be interesting. I am also working on the second silent film, which ...
  3. andrewjohnsonct101

    My DS106 Daily Creates for the week

    For my first DS106 Daily Create, I took one of the photos on my recent trip to the Garden and made it into a 1:1 square. I really loved my trip to MSG and I did this in honor of it.     Original Assignment link #1 For my second, I record audio of me ...
  4. andrewjohnsonct101

    My reflection on the Jim Groom video

    For our assignment this week, we saw a video in which DS106 director Jim Groom talked about digital archiving and the 21st century. I thought it was an interesting video which really brought up some powerful points about where the internet and the future is headed. He made clear in the video that at least ...
  5. andrewjohnsonct101

    My response to Everything is a Remix

    by   For our assignment this week, we saw Everything is a Remix, which was an incredible video series talking about how everything around us is based on modifications or putting together what already existed. He talked about musicians such as rappers sampling old songs in their own songs. I loved how he pointed that ...
  6. andrewjohnsonct101

    My daily creates for the week

    by I took this photo with all the rain out, then I found a NY Daily News headline which kinda matches. Nothing better than finding a photo of a $100 bill in honor of the 100th daily create In spite of the bad weather, I still was in a good mood, so I ...
  7. andrewjohnsonct101

    Movies by Numbers (the number 2)

    by   I just found so many things with a theme of the number two. I found photos of the two train, a Katy Perry photo with two hearts, Derek Jeter with his #2 jersey on, a photo of 2 Penn Plaza, that huge building that is connected to Madison Square Garden, and then a ...
  8. andrewjohnsonct101

    my daily creates for the week

    by This is a ringtone which features the Westminster Chimes. The loud fan which keeps my hot bedroom cool until we install the A/C in June.   I really thought it would be nice to draw a photo of a small guy standing next to a building as big and iconic as the ...
  9. andrewjohnsonct101

    This week’s Daily Creates

    by   I take a photo of my room’s American flag through my hand. No better place to find geometric shapes than the titles of my own kitchen.     Using my software, I created this red heart to represent love.
  10. andrewjohnsonct101

    Play by Play, NFL Style

    I did a play by play of the Brandon Stokley TD against the Bengals back on the NFL’s Opening Sunday in 2009. I would say Gus Johnson had a way better call than me. I used Windows Movie Maker and Audacity to put it together. Enjoy. Video courtesy of the NFL. Copyright 2009. All rights ...

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