Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92928 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @dsamanda2


    For this 5 star video assignment I wast to create a short how to video. As I mentioned previously, I have been on a trip for the past few days, so recording videos and editing them has been tough. I decided to have my boyfriend (Jeff, who I’m on the trip with) help me with […]
  2. @dsamanda2

    Movies on Vacation?

    The last part of this week I was on vacation with my boyfriend! We are pretty active people so for our vacation we went to Shenandoah National Park to hike trails, visit nearby cities, and drive along Skyline Drive. It was an amazing trip, but there was not a lot of time for creating and […]
  3. @dsamanda2

    My Life Today

    The first video assignment that I chose to complete was a 5 star assignment to create a movie that showed snips of my day. I was then to put them together so that if someone watched it they would be able to see what I did that day! These past 4 days I have been […]
  4. @dsamanda2

    Let’s Watch

    This week in Digital Storytelling is movie week! Which is a great excuse to stay in my PJ’s and eat popcorn all week! I started off the week by learning how to read a movie. I found this reading really interesting and since I love watching movies I actually think I will use these tips […]
  5. @dsamanda2

    Horror Nursery

    Like most of us, I sang nursery rhymes at an early age. Their easy language and catchy hooks get lodged in your brain instantly. But once you start to really listen to the words/lyrics you notice that nursery rhymes are really, really, strange….and sometimes downright creepy. The question of the week for week 4 is: What […]
  6. @dsamanda2

    Moving Picture Reading

    It’s movie week! And we are starting out by learning how to read a movie as instructed by the great critic Robert Ebert. His article on reading a movie talked about pausing and looking a frames individually while watching. The first thing I thought of was being a kid and pausing a movie, then bursting […]
  7. @dsamanda2

    Creepy Story

    For the extra design work I decided to do another storytime audio story. I used sound effects and music to bring the story to life. In this assignment I wanted it to sound like a story being told by me. I chose to do a sort of creepy story so that I could use some […]
  8. @dsamanda2

    Can’t Speak

    This week was all about audio! I started this week off by tackling the Sound Effect Story assignment. This assignment was very overwhelming at first because I was so unfamiliar with how to use Audacity. This was the the assignment that took me the longest to accomplish, but it’s also the one that I am […]
  9. @dsamanda2

    What if Booth was Stopped?

    Last week we discussed what historical event we would change if we could. I wrote a whole post about this topic and decided that I would have never had the events of 9/11 happen. In that post, I also mentioned that the first historical event that came to mind was the assassination of Lincoln. The […]
  10. @dsamanda2

    Hipster Whiskey

    Today’s daily create was to create an add/business card for a randomized “hipster buisiness.” I got my randomized name and logo which to me looked like some kind of alcohol name. I decided to turn it into a distillery company, because hipsters like breweries and wineries and distilleries… things like that right? I decided to […]
  11. @dsamanda2


    Today’s daily create was to make a fake conversation between characters! I made one between Princess Peach and Mario! The running joke for the Mario games is that Princess Peach is always getting kidnapped. The text conversation that I made between them shows Mario getting a bit annoyed with Peach always being kidnapped. Kinda silly! […]
  12. @dsamanda2


    The beginning of this week has me nervous for the rest of the week. It started out pretty similar with two daily creates. I did mine on Monday and Tuesday. Tuesday’s was my favorite although I wish I had been more creative with a visual for it. I was tasked with creating a wish list […]
  13. @dsamanda2

    Missing My Fam

    Today’s daily create asked who I would walk 1000 miles for? My family! I have family that lives in Germany and we don’t get to see them very often. They are a “little” farther away than 1000 miles but I miss them so much and they are always so fun to see! They are family so […]
  14. @dsamanda2

    Can You Hear Me?

    I have no experience with audio so this week has me a bit nervous. The reading was very intimidating and I am still trying to grasp all of the different aspects that go into creating audio. I am especially nervous for having to use audio without video to tell a story (which I’m sure is […]
  15. @dsamanda2

    It’s All by Design

    Design is everywhere and after these past few days I can’t stop seeing design elements all around. It’s like when you are shopping for a certain car and you start noticing that car on the streets all the time. I can’t un-see all of the designs around me! Although it is annoying, it’s also interesting! […]
  16. @dsamanda2

    Successful Design Play

    In this talk, Paula looks back on her career and discusses the idea of “serious play”. It starts off a little slow, but starts to really kick in around the 3 minute mark. Scher recognizes that often the best work comes from serious play. The unfortunate thing is that when we create good work from serious […]
  17. @dsamanda2

    Design on the Daily

    These past few days I have learned that elements of design are everywhere! Without even realizing it we see so many different things that have been designed. Even our own homes had to go through a design process and so many design elements had to be implemented before you even moved in. And yet our […]
  18. @dsamanda2

    Learning about Design

    Canva is website that makes it easy to design presentations, graphics, and more. They have tutorials to help you to understand how their website works while also helping to improve your design skills! It is similar to the “Tips for better photography” but with design instead! I was instructed to choose 7 tutorials to complete […]
  19. @dsamanda2

    My Life in Photos

    This week we focused improving photography skills and visual storytelling. These two topic fit very well together since I was able to utilize tips for better photography when working on creating a story through visuals. Because this theme I took A LOT of photos this week. My favorite assignment this week was the 5 frame […]
  20. @dsamanda2

    I’m a Star!

    Today’s daily create is actually something I already am! Sort of. The daily create prompted me to discuss what star I would be, if I were a star. And aside from the obvious “of course I’m a star, I’m awesome,” I actually do have a star named after me. As you all know, I enjoy […]
  21. @dsamanda2

    A BERRY Sad Story

    This Visual Assignment tasked me with creating a story using only 5 frames. I decided to show the sad story of two strawberries as they become breakfast. This assignment was really fun and definitely pushed my creativity. To create a story using just 5 frames is a difficult thing to do. The story must be […]

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