Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92920 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Emily Heyden

    Oh Flikr, how I love you.

          Over the course of the semester we have had to create many visual things and use a platform to share them. We were told to create a Flikr account and use that as the place to upload our photos to. From there you can take them anywhere. First you need to create ...
  2. Emily Heyden

    Oh Flikr, how I love you.

          Over the course of the semester we have had to create many visual things and use a platform to share them. We were told to create a Flikr account and use that as the place to upload our photos to. From there you can take them anywhere. First you need to create ...
  3. Emily Heyden

    How nifty!

    A website that I have had to use multiple times over the course of the semester was SoundCloud. It is a great way to share audio files with a large audience. The biggest plus? That it is super easy to use! First you need to sign up for an account. Be sure that the user name ...
  4. Emily Heyden

    How nifty!

    A website that I have had to use multiple times over the course of the semester was SoundCloud. It is a great way to share audio files with a large audience. The biggest plus? That it is super easy to use! First you need to sign up for an account. Be sure that the user name ...
  5. Emily Heyden

    Dual Citizenship

    In today’s society everyone has dual citizenship- one that is the traditional and one for the digital world.As the technological world continues to expand and create even more of a foot hold in our lives, the laws of this “new” society need to be outlined. This article here does a great job of breaking down nine of the ...
  6. Emily Heyden

    Dual Citizenship

    In today’s society everyone has dual citizenship- one that is the traditional and one for the digital world.As the technological world continues to expand and create even more of a foot hold in our lives, the laws of this “new” society need to be outlined. This article here does a great job of breaking down nine of the ...
  7. Emily Heyden

    Twitter Chat

    I just participated in an twitter chat, and boy was it enlightening! I had never participated in something like this. I was apprehensive at first, but I will be participating in the future. I loved that my voice was heard and that what I said was re...
  8. Emily Heyden

    Twitter Chat

    I just participated in an twitter chat, and boy was it enlightening! I had never participated in something like this. I was apprehensive at first, but I will be participating in the future. I loved that my voice was heard and that what I said was re...
  9. Emily Heyden

    Look at what I’ve done

    We had to make a picture that emphasized the color yellow. This is my folder for this class. I just love the way these flowers make me want to be happy.   We were asked to take a self-portrait, with our showing our face, that still identifies us. I picked this one because I LOVE that sweater. Well ...
  10. Emily Heyden

    Look at what I’ve done

    We had to make a picture that emphasized the color yellow. This is my folder for this class. I just love the way these flowers make me want to be happy.   We were asked to take a self-portrait, with our showing our face, that still identifies us. I picked this one because I LOVE that sweater. Well ...
  11. Emily Heyden

    Cortland Creeper Status Radio Show

    For the past few weeks we have been asked to create a radio show. I teamed up with Nicole Morello, Lindsay Kenney, and Ashley Keough. We first brainstormed what we wanted to do in class and then headed to work on it the next day in the library. We decided to do a Cortland specific radio ...
  12. Emily Heyden

    Cortland Creeper Status Radio Show

    For the past few weeks we have been asked to create a radio show. I teamed up with Nicole Morello, Lindsay Kenney, and Ashley Keough. We first brainstormed what we wanted to do in class and then headed to work on it the next day in the library. We decided to do a Cortland specific radio ...
  13. Emily Heyden

    Oh, hello there!

    I know it has been a while, and for that I am sorry. For right now lets take a gander at my recent daily creates! For this daily create we were asked to celebrate religious architecture. I picked a picture of St. Basils Cathedral. I dream of the day when I can visit this place in person. ...
  14. Emily Heyden

    Oh, hello there!

    I know it has been a while, and for that I am sorry. For right now lets take a gander at my recent daily creates! For this daily create we were asked to celebrate religious architecture. I picked a picture of St. Basils Cathedral. I dream of the day when I can visit this place in person. ...
  15. Emily Heyden

    A little bit of everything

    The daily creates this week asked us what some of our favorite things are. The first daily create I completed this week asked us to a photo that features our favorite color. My favorite color is green. My room at home is lime green on all four walls …. and my ceiling. I also love Lisa Frank ...
  16. Emily Heyden

    A little bit of everything

    The daily creates this week asked us what some of our favorite things are. The first daily create I completed this week asked us to a photo that features our favorite color. My favorite color is green. My room at home is lime green on all four walls …. and my ceiling. I also love Lisa Frank ...
  17. Emily Heyden

    Beyonce is such a drama queen

    For this week we had to do two stars worth of audio assignments. I chose to do an over dramatic reading. I thought it would be super fun. And it was. I picked the song Love on top by the majestic Beyonce. So listen and enjoy.
  18. Emily Heyden

    Beyonce is such a drama queen

    For this week we had to do two stars worth of audio assignments. I chose to do an over dramatic reading. I thought it would be super fun. And it was. I picked the song Love on top by the majestic Beyonce. So listen and enjoy.
  19. Emily Heyden

    My melodious voice

    For this daily create we were asked to record a verse or chorus of our favorite song using our voice as our only instrument. I followed the link to SoundCloud from the ds106 site. From there it was as simple as pressing the record button. I decided to speak the lyrics to this song because, well ...
  20. Emily Heyden

    My melodious voice

    For this daily create we were asked to record a verse or chorus of our favorite song using our voice as our only instrument. I followed the link to SoundCloud from the ds106 site. From there it was as simple as pressing the record button. I decided to speak the lyrics to this song because, well ...
  21. Emily Heyden

    My autobiography cover

    This design assignment asked us to design the cover of our autobiography. I thought it would be really fun to try and tackle this one. I wanted to use a picture that I had taken because it would be something more personal. As I was cruising through my picture library, I found this this picture of my dog Harper. Then the quote ...
  22. Emily Heyden

    Alternative book cover

    The task was to take the title of a well known book and redesign the cover. The new cover was meant to suggest a new story by the same name. The original cover looks like this It is a dystopian young adult novel. The second in The Maze Runner trilogy. I recently finished this book for class ...
  23. Emily Heyden

    Feeling a bit nostalgic

    The daily creates that I have completed this past week seems to have taken on an air of nostalgia. The prompt was to take a photo of an object that represents how old you feel. I feel like converse are my adolescence. This is a pair that I got air brushed with leopard and zebra print ...
  24. Emily Heyden

    If movie posters told the truth…

      Our assignment this week were from the design category of the ds106 assignments. This one really caught my eye. I had seen similar posters on the internet and I always thought that they were really clever. This was the first movie to pop into my mind. Its an independent film from 2007 that stars ...
  25. Emily Heyden

    Get ready to play.

    Today’s daily create was to take a photo of a toy in action. None of my toys are really action packed. The singamagigs move their mouths when I press their tummy, but that wasn’t translating into a picture nicely. So I decided to show off what my toys do for me everyday. They are set up to ...
  26. Emily Heyden

    Just a pile of writing utensils

    This assignment was pretty simple too. I reached into my bag and dredged up the pens and hi-lighters that dwell down there. Then I threw them on the table and snapped a pic with my iPhone. From there I cropped and rotated it so that it went someone with the rules of three. I then ...
  27. Emily Heyden

    From… To….

    I decided to have fun with this Visual assignment. I just so happened to have been bored and curled my hair today. I thought that it’d be fun to use a picture of my more made up self as the normal and then choose a picture where I’m being a bit crazy as the extraordinary one I ...
  28. Emily Heyden

    J. Alfred

    The assignment for this one was to take an image from the poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock. I had recently just crossed paths with this poem again and so this assignment just seemed like it was made for me. This was the specific quote that I came across and it has been bouncing around ...

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