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  1. Gorgon Chest

    Do You Even Pilgrim Bro?

    “The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance” is another of my childhood revisits and another reason for the fame of John Wayne and his use of the word “Pilgrim”. It’s not just the inexperience and western life ignorance that Stoddard wins … Continued
  2. Gorgon Chest

    Do You Even Photo Bro?

    So this would be considered my Achilles heal so to speak. We shall see. I know that confidence and determination are strong forces and we shall certainly find out. I once loved photography and always took pictures but something changed … Continued
  3. Gorgon Chest

    Week 3 Summary

    This was an insight week of assignments. I love writing and really put a lot of myself into it. I’m looking forward to the picture editing week but a bit intimidated. I’m a perfectionist of a sort and with picture … Continued

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