Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94992 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Scott Lockman


    出会い系サイトを利用するときには、アダルトな関係を期待している人は多いでしょう。 そういった利用者が多いために、出会い系サイト自体にアダルトな言葉をたくさん載せているサイトがあります。 そういった言葉を見ると期待してしま […]
  2. Scott Lockman


    出会い系サイトを利用するための必須条件は、メールアドレスの用意です。 殆どの出会い系サイトは『フリーアドレス』の利用を許可しているので、ヤフーなどで取得すると良いでしょう。 出来れば、メールアドレスは複数用意しておきたい […]
  3. Scott Lockman

    This Could Be – episode 003

    (download audio) I had completely forgotten this little podcast project over the past five weeks because of work and travel. It was only when a few kind words from The Bava floated across the transom via twitter today that I remembered that there is audio to be recorded. And now, for better or for worse, […]
  4. Scott Lockman

    Daily Create – 1571

    Today’s Daily Create seemed a perfect entry point for easing back into the ds106 mindset. #tdc1581 @ds106dc – today's task: create a logo using the Mark Maker logo generator site – — scottlo (@scottlo) May 7, 2016 The Mark Maker logo generator website is a simple and convenient resource for creating logos or […]
  5. Scott Lockman

    Is This Thing Still On?

    A while back there used to be some blog posts, animated GIFs and the odd bit of audio here. This thing was even linked to the ds106 firehose. For a while, it was all fun and exciting. That was a long time ago. The vagaries of life and circumstances provided an easy excuse for the […]
  6. Scott Lockman


    There are currently more than 400 recordings of Studs Terkel’s radio programs available on Pop Up Archive. This temporary repository will eventually give way to a permanent online archive of over 5000 interviews spanning more than four decades. The discussion between Studs and Mort Sahl about Sick Comedy from February 1960 is embedded here for […]
  7. Scott Lockman

    Globalize This 002

    The idea of paying $129.99 for a pair of hand painted Converse Chuck Taylors commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Twin Peaks televisions series might seem extravagant to some. Were it not for the facts that the logistics of shipping such unique merchandise are so complicated and that I don’t have an actual postal address […]
  8. Scott Lockman

    Globalize This 001

    A renaissance of podcasting indeed. Had I started this project ages ago as originally dreamt, it very well might have had a place of prominence in the article. But that’s okay. The important thing is that the wheels are now in motion. As the project picks up steam, three separate story lines will present themselves: […]
  9. Scott Lockman

    Seventeenth Century Impaction

    Judging by the twitter traffic and the expression of fan-boy glee on Dr. C’s face during the interview with Dr. Alan Kay last night, a great many sparks of thought were flying during the three hour google hangout last night. Technical issues with the stream and the advancing late hour in the evening forced me […]
  10. Scott Lockman

    Better, Stronger & Faster

    (download audio) The conscious mind is like a pond into which many people are throwing stones. Our thoughts are accidents, and if we blunder upon just the idea we need, it is indeed a blunder. Oh how I wish I’d have come up with some sentences like those above for my How I Feel When […]
  11. Scott Lockman

    What Am I Doing Here?

    This course hits home on a deeply personal level. I’ve been grappling with many of the issues that are on offer here for a long time. This morning, as I was slurping down a bowl of Grape Nut Flakes while rushing to get ready to head to the teaching factory after having had overslept by […]
  12. Scott Lockman

    A Different Class With Vectors

    I got bogged down this weekend looking for videos of Hollerith’s game changing punch cards and tabulating machines at the Internet Archive. Seems that the method and technology he developed to aid census taking in the United States in the late 1900s had a lasting impact through most of the twentieth century. The animated GIF […]
  13. Scott Lockman

    A Nugget Teaser

    One of the things I like about Vannever Bush’s As We May Think article is the survey it provides of late 19th and early 20th century information technology. Case in point is the nugget I wish to put forward for consideration: All this complication is needed because of the clumsy way in which we have […]
  14. Scott Lockman

    Signal Indicators

    (download audio) As promised in yesterday’s “teaser” post, an audio draft of my answer to the question ‘How do I feel when I think?’ is offered in the player above. For devices without Flash, the download audio link should work. And for those subscribed to the feed in iTunes, the recording should have by now […]
  15. Scott Lockman

    Feel Like I’m in a Judy GIF

    The organizers of the online Thought Vectors course have asked participants to answer the question “How does it feel when I think?” in the form of an autobiographical blog post for a first week assignment. The initial thought upon reading and pondering the prompt was amazement at never having considered it before. Seems all the energy, […]
  16. Scott Lockman

    Gettin’ Over It

    The course’s catch-phrase is thought vectors in concept space. It looks to be an interesting and fun way to spend the next eight weeks. So, I guess it’s time to learn how to work a blog again.
  17. Scott Lockman

    BluePhase Episode 011

    (download audio) This podcast was recorded in two parts. First was a drive to work this morning in which I tried to provide an update on the ongoing reclamation project. It turns out that there are nearly 200 recordings I’ve made over the past decade now available on this blog. During the drive, while trying […]
  18. Scott Lockman

    BluePhase – Episode 010

    The previous post referred to Bill‘s amazing work in building a prototype version of Dr. Nakamatsu’s TDM/7300 multiplex radio tuner. It’s hard to imagine that he will likely have a fully functioning version ready before year’s end. What a treat it was to be able to play his initial recording of his first temporal bandwidth […]
  19. Scott Lockman

    TDM/7300 Beta Test

    Inspired by Lisa’s awesome work in bringing historical texts to life through current web animation tools, I decided to experiment with GoAnimate to introduce the amazing mp3 file Bill was able to capture while trying to build the machine from Dr. Nakamatsu’s 2004 block diagram. TDM/7300 DEMO by scottlo on GoAnimate Below is Bill’s recent […]
  20. Scott Lockman

    BluePhase Episode 009

    The entire run of Tokyo Calling podcasts – save episodes 61-65 – along with original blog posts is once again online. Confronting the personalized memoir format of the various audio journal projects I’ve dabbled in over the years might not be the healthiest way to spend my time. But I remain committed to the deeper […]
  21. Scott Lockman

    BluePhase Episode 008

    It took several days, but jet lag from the long flight back from Virginia finally began to hit this past Thursday. Frustrated with the slow progress and the unreality of listening to 9 year old recordings of myself while trying to put together a ‘show’ for Friday led me to take a mid-afternoon nap. When […]
  22. Scott Lockman

    BluePhase Episode 007

    As mentioned here yesterday, this week marks nine years since the first episode of the Tokyo Calling podcast. In this episode, in addition to playing some old time music and a 1963 clip from Jean Shepherd, I played the first mention anywhere of Dr. Nakamatsu’s TDM/7300 from November 2004. One of the exciting developments from […]
  23. Scott Lockman

    Tokyo Calling Reclaimed

    Every October, for the past five or six years, a bittersweet cloud of nostalgia falls over my head. That’s because I began podcasting nine years ago this week. Over the course of four and a half years and more than 100 audio episodes, I experimented with sound, storytelling, and personal reflection. It was exciting to […]

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