Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92859 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. tellio

    Document Creation

    A date of a document creation The first parameter by which Google determines the freshness is the date on which the document was created. It also can be the day when the document is found by Google for the first time, in other words, when Googlebot indexes a certain document or finds a link to …
  2. tellio

    Western, Ho!



    Alan Levine has already confessed he is a little crazy. How do I know? I heard it on the radio so it has got to be true. Right? Crazy generous with his time and talent is what I meant. He has started a new version of the undead thing called ds106: . Just Google it. I am damned sure not going to detangle that knot of fishing line. I'm just going to be grateful that Alan has chosen to help us play in the infinite game of the Web rather than pay for his heating oil bill.

    Yesterday he and Mariana Funes hosted a new iteration of radio ds106 for and I was able to listen and tweet in my penny's worth to the conversation. When their hour program (crackling campfire, high sheriff visit, dead air excitement)  was over it occurred to me that I had generated ever more digital detritus. I have been obsessing lately over this signal-to-noise footprint. As a writing teacher I think it is my professional obligation to leave the world a more sensible place and that includes all of the public talk I have gathered and generated in that digital world. In this case I needed to make sure that my stray tweets to had a better 'nest' to live in.

    The Storify below was my attempt to gather all of my little tweets into one nest. I used the best tweets I generated in that one hour as a way to decide how to direct my energies over the next month or so in this project. I highly recommend Storify as a tool for curating your own life so that your signal-to-noise ratio is less lossy. It helped me.


  3. tellio

    Content Curation: The Art and Science of Spotting Awesome


    See on – CurationEd Content curation – the process of finding, organizing, and  sharing topical, relevant content for your audience that supports your nonprofit’s engagement or campaign goals (or your professional learning) begins with “Spotting the Awesome.”   I love that phrase coined by my frie See on  
  4. tellio

    Disrupting Education – Trailer


    See on – Cheating in Online Courses My attraction to documenting what might be the greatest revolution in the history of mankind, of which we are witnessing just the beginning right now, manife… Terry Elliott‘s insight: Is cheating just the manifestation of a large disruption in society and in higher education particularly.  If so, more »
  5. tellio

    Zotero | Groups > Rhizomatic Learning


    See on – Rhizomatic Learning: Week 2 – Self Assessment and Self Remediation Zotero is a powerful, easy-to-use research tool that helps you gather, organize, and analyze sources and then share the results of your research. Terry Elliott‘s insight: A growing collection of scholarly articles on rhizomatic learning. See on  
  6. tellio

    The Sunshine Elevens — Medium


    The Sunshine Elevens — Medium Thanks to Shawn White above for cursing me with the task in the link above.  I don’t necessarily think of a curse as an entirely bad thing.  It is more of an applied constraint that begs the question, “Now how will you manage?” Here is now Shawn defined the task: more »
  7. tellio

    Sweet Discourse: Links for 12-23-2013 to 12-29-2-13


    25 Reading Strategies That Work In Every Content Area Enhance Project-Based Learning with These 10 Powerful Tools Consider Brennan’s Hierarchy of Imagination (via… Smartphone as Mentor: How Tech Could Change Behavior Dream Courses: My students write 7 course descriptions for ideal courses, and critique their teacher’s attempts | 5 Online Games That Teach Kids the more »
  8. tellio

    SAICTED – home


    See on – Sleeping Better Terry Elliott‘s insight: Here is a FlashMOOC and its results.  The possibilities for research, reform, webinars, university development, professional development, culminating event, capstone, internships, winter term course.  Well…kinda staggering.  This course was eight hours long.  Here is all the data and reflections afterward in a wiki.  Splendid use of more »
  9. tellio

    I, Cringely, Breaking Moore’s Law


    I, Cringely Breaking Moore’s Law – I, Cringely The first time was at the Computer Science Lab at Xerox PARC. I guess it was Bob Taylor’s idea but Bob Metcalfe explains it so well. The idea back in the early 1970s was to invent the future by living in the future. “We built computers and more »
  10. tellio

    CLMOOC: How We Began (Sort of…)


    CLMOOC Beginnings It’s funny how plastic memory is.  What I mean is that we can never be sure that our memories are not just as constructed as the meanings we extract from them.  And what I mean by that is that I hope you take thisreconstruction of how we began our connected learning MOOC (CLMOOC) more »

ds106 in[SPIRE]