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  1. tellio

    Eat the Damn Donuts!


    I am truly taken by the ideas in Frank Chimero’s blog, so many ideas in here that resonate within me too clearly not to pull a few of them into one place.  I have ripped out a few quotes just because I wanted to share them.  Please read the whole article if for no other more »
  2. tellio

    Make-with-Me for the #CLMOOC


    There are moments when you realize you are part of something way bigger than you thought. This was my moment. It is not a feeling of being overwhelmed by a wave on the beach. Instead it feels like being lifted up and crowd surfing at a concert. Yes, uplifted would …

  3. tellio

    Toy Hack Invocation


    I love Haiku Deck, but I don’t like how it doesn’t have a frictionless way to add an audio track, so here is my kludge to get that done. It is a bit ridiculous and I am sure there is an easier way.   Haiku Deck–>export as pdf to Slideshare–>export to 9slides to add audio–get more »
  4. tellio



    Storify by Terry Elliott Fri, Jun 21 2013 06:22:27 CONNECTED LEARNING MOOC: FIRST TWITTERCHAT Every thursday night for the next six weeks and beyond perhaps, the National Writing Project’s Connect Learning Massively Open Online Collaboration (CLMOOC) will be holding a twitter chat using the hashtag #clmooc. This is the story of the first chat on ...

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