Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92753 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Andrew Carle

    Shark GIFing for ds106

    jim groom posted a GIF of Henry Winkler’s infamous/iconic shark jump this morning.     I can’t imagine a world where media-saturated Bava had missed the origins of this trope.  And if that’s really the case, then maybe he missed the Arrested Development sequel as well.     I’ve really been enjoying this process.  Alan […]
  2. Andrew Carle

    I just happened to be here.

    I mentioned it yesterday and couldn’t sleep last night for thoughts of GIFing Hal Hartley’s Trust.  This was easier in Schizopolis in many ways, because Hartleys films are already focused on faces and moments.  But, oh… the faces, the moments.  In the kitchen this morning, in between coffee and rinsing a quart of hair gel […]
  3. Andrew Carle

    I Believe So Strongly in #ds106

    For a few years, I’ve watched the explosion of amazing film-clip GIFs take over the web. Even as the #ds106 crew churned out fantastic artifacts in class after class, I consistently viewed that as a consumer.  Clearly it involves a lot of aestetic judgment and technical skill.  It belongs in the “complicated with Photoshop” bucket, […]
  4. Andrew Carle

    Veggie Juice and Feedback Loops

    This post is about living an integrated life, confident that my ideas and interests will loop around. I’m not sure I believe in nutrients. I’d love to say that I had some highbrow Pollan-esque justification for this, a rejection of overhyped pop nutrition science, but really I think it’s just cause I’m a curmudgeon. Nutrients? Micro-nutrient? Colloids? […]
  5. Andrew Carle


    Melissa has been making me reflect on the power of names, especially habitual names, to silently shape the world we make and live in. As a result, I stalled out on some random web-form at the “occupation” blank. Educator sounds daft. This month, I’m going with learner-in-residence which is equally daft, but as the double […]
  6. Andrew Carle

    Makers? How can making be a class?

    I’m still not sure if it’s a great class, but it’s certainly a standout hour of my day. Here’s today’s class compressed into about 2 minutes. Yes, I cheated and used audio to elicit an emotional response. I also captured spontaneous student emotion and cuteness. Projects being worked on in the video include: Sparkfun TriColor […]

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