Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92926 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. paul bond

    Tech Noir Talk

    I fed our tech noir cast of characters to the two annoying podcast hosts from Notebook LM so that they could discuss how groups of them might work together. They spitball several ideas, none exceptionally creative, but maybe it … Continue reading ?
  2. dogtrax

    Blog Blog Blog Badge Badge Badge

    My friend, Sarah, shared her “badge” as part of an ongoing discussion about blogging (including Alan‘s blog blog post), and since her badge was at The Remixer Machine, I remixed it for myself. Peace (and blogging), Kevin PS — here is an original post about the Anonymous Blog concept but I am not sure I […]
  3. Tom Woodward

    DS106, Feed WordPress, Jim Groom, and Alan Levine!

    I feel like I’m time traveling back to the good old days of Mother Blogs. Jim posted on Mastodon1 about wanting to be able to display the WP excerpt on posts syndicated via Feed WordPress in a Noir-themed #DS106 course he’s teaching. It broke my heart to hear he was doing it by hand. I ...

    Read More... from DS106, Feed WordPress, Jim Groom, and Alan Levine!

  4. dogtrax

    Daily Create: Pixelation

    This is from today’s DS106 Daily Create, which I suggested, and uses the Remixer Machine at Visual Thinkery. I took a screencast as I toggled the bar, and then converted that video into a GIF. Peace (and play), Kevin
  5. dogtrax

    NGram Viewsic

    The other day, a prompt at DS106 Daily Create had us using the NGram data analysis site (which tracks terms across books across time) and I did a music instrument theme, and noticed some changes in when mentions happened. I mused about using the chart to create a piece of music, where the different instruments […]

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