Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92753 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Jean Bruno

    Final Project for DS106

    I wanted to base my final project based on the things I’ve seen recently that have urked me. I originally planned to do some philosophical podcast and hijack ds106. But in reality I don’t know, I really have a hard time looking up to anyone. So, in my frustrated state I’ve decided to create a ...
  2. Jean Bruno

    Too keep or not too keep my blog…

    I may keep export the contents of my blog. I most likely wont keep the account nor anything associated such as twitter, flickr because I am forging a different digital identity than the one I created from DS106. I’d like to continue with the same concept as it has given me a platform to start ...
  3. Jean Bruno

    Final Reflections on DS106..

    I posted my reflections on ds106. Ds106 is a very different kind of course, it made me look at art in a different way. It also helped me realize the glory of remixing things. The assignments have helped me actually find jobs because I’d apply what I learned through some blitz assignments for potential customers ...
  4. Jean Bruno

    Favorite Superhero

    My favorite Super Hero is Wolverine. Wolverine is the second most popular character in Marvel Comics after Spider-man. The reason I like Wolverine is because he’s similar to me in a few ways. He likes to drink beer, get into bar fights, woo beautiful women and he’s a samurai, he’s also a member of many ...
  5. Jean Bruno

    What’s the Meme?

    What’s the Meme? 2 points.. This is Rush Limbaugh spewing conservative gospel on his radio show. He’s a legend amongst those who love him and a charlatan to those who dislike him. He’s weird but less nutty than Glenn Beck.
  6. Jean Bruno

    Cheetah Collage

    I created a Collage of two cheetahs. The effects of the collage obscures the mechanical cheetah.I chose the cheetah for the real life to cartoon collage because I wanted to know if a mechanical cheetah could outrun a real life cheetah. Would the mechanical cheetah overheat at certain speeds? I think a mechanical cheetah would ...
  7. Jean Bruno

    My Final Project Idea.

    I’m going to do a radio show on how the internet can change the human condition. I believe the internet can change lives and be a form of medication to the masses. My point is that, I was quite changed by watching the TED Talk on Remixing. It fits into the idea of Memes and ...
  8. Jean Bruno

    The Daily Create 3 Posts…

    I took 3 daily create assignments and did what I could with my super limited resources at this very moment. I realized it must take some effort on the part of professors to come up with some of these ideas. I was asked to take a photo of something that makes me sick…So, I have ...
  9. Jean Bruno

    Assignment Blitz- Visual Assignment

    I liked this random assignment. In fact, this assignment only helps rekindle my fascination of the zombie apocalypse. The kid looks innocent and the title and band name is fitting for a zombie apocalypse but alas this is for a rock band of sorts like blink 182. Or, it could be about some rock band ...
  10. Jean Bruno

    Visual Assignment- 10 starS

    My favorite Super Hero is Wolverine. Wolverine is the second most popular character in Marvel Comics after Spider-man. The reason I like Wolverine is because he’s similar to me in a few ways. He likes to drink beer, get into bar fights, woo beautiful women and he’s a samurai, he’s also a member of many ...
  11. Jean Bruno

    Zanadu Bumper

    I’m familiar with creating a radio bumper but I gave someone on my team a shot at taking charge.I must say the music is slightly creepy in a bizarre way. Also, Nacilia says the title of the of radio station is Haitian. The inspiration for Zanadu Radio is not Haitian at all but something else. ...
  12. Jean Bruno

    Alicia meets Poofy & the Busboys.

    Alicia Gray interviews Poofy & the Busboys at York Fest. They speak on a number of topics such as world peace, the upcoming election and the YouTube sensation “Gungam Style”. Ok, maybe not. But enjoy the interview!
  13. Jean Bruno

    YorkFest 2012

    On Thursdays, students took the time to enjoy York Fest where there was entertainment, food and talks. Yorkfest was apart of York’s “weeks of welcome” events through the month of September. Performing at Yorkfest was the York College Big Band & Poofy and the Busboys. The York Broadcast Team was on the scene to cover
  14. Jean Bruno

    A strategic alliance

    I’ve always wanted to be a leader. I’ve read so many books on entrepreneurship and branding. I realized that to be a leader it will take practice and time. I started a club at York College. This club has taught me so many things as far as how to deal with people, types of people ...
  15. Jean Bruno

    Creative Reflections

    Listening to the clip by Ira Glass & Tim Owen’s post we are all artists was really helpful and sobering. I’ve realized that I’m still in the phase where everything I create wont satisfy me and that it will take me time and practice to get better. I’d say my art would be capturing a ...
  16. Jean Bruno

    My reflections of Ds106 week One.

    I really like the Ds106 course. I’m not saying it will be a breeze but I love classes where I can apply what I’m learning rather than recite facts through repetition.It is teaching me how to build a simple website and use social media tools. I like how Prof.Smith emphasizes that students should take the initiative ...

ds106 in[SPIRE]