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  1. Downes


    April 2, 2021. Yes, I know, it's another bird photo, because it was another indoor day, but I plan to be back on the bicycle tomorrow. Still, it's a testament to the variety of species we have out here that I can add yet another new one to this year's ...
  2. Downes

    Forest Floor

    April 1, 2021. We stopped for a brief photo opportunity at Mer Bleu on the way home from Costco. One more day of rest and I think I'll be able to resume activities again. Meanwhile I made huge strides on gRSShopper, and have solved most of the big prob...
  3. Downes

    Sunset Street

    March 31, 2021. This is the end of the day looking out the front door and down the street. You can see what the weather was like today by looking at the road. Another day focused on coding and I can see the end of the conversion project in sight. https...
  4. Downes


    March 30, 2021. The robins are avoiding the cluster of birds in our back yard so I photographed this one on a neighbour's lawn. Another indoor day today even though it was nice outside as I rest my strained muscle. I spent the day wrestling with a clus...
  5. Downes

    Watching the Birds

    March 29, 2021. Julia sits on the rack by the back sliding doors watching the assortment of birds on the gazebo. Though it cleared later in the day it was still cold, and I stayed indoors and remained relatively pain-free all day (for which I am truly ...
  6. Downes


    March 27, 2021. This is a fenceline at RRR Ranch on the 700 at Burelle Road. It looks a lot better on Google Maps; time has not been kind to it. Things are still pretty brown, and as I discovered on my bike ride, still pretty muddy. Still, I put in 30 ...
  7. Downes


    March 26, 2021. This is looking at a nearby railway crossing using full zoom from our front door. The photo flatters the weather. That was as close as I got to going outside today on a cold rainy day. It wasn't a bad day; I felt like I made good progre...
  8. Downes


    March 25, 2021. This is the tiny village of St-Albert, as viewed from across the South Nation River (which is currently packed with tens of thousands of very loud geese). Since I had a late meeting this afternoon, I took a short 25 km bike ride early t...
  9. Downes

    Last Year’s Leaves

    March 24, 2021. I went for a short walk in the rain today and took a photo of these dripping leaves left over from last year. Not a bad day today, but not a great day, as I bounce back and forth between painkillers and productivity. The result was a sy...
  10. Downes

    Blue Jay

    March 23, 2021. Our local blue jay paid us a visit today; here it is with a beak full of seeds from the feeder. We had an an abundance of different birds in the back yard today: woodpeckers, cardinals, grackles, sparrows, red-winged blackbirds, and mor...
  11. Downes


    March 22, 2021. This is farmland just outside St-Albert shedding its winter blanket in rivers of meltwater. Spotted on a 24 km bike ride there and back late this afternoon on an absolutely gorgeous day, 17 degrees and sunny. I also attended a meeting, ...
  12. Downes

    Maple Seeds

    March 21, 2021. To be precise, these are maple seeds from a tree in front of Gloucester High School in Ottawa. We were in the city to do an emergency prescription refill. I went for a walk, as per usual, and as I was passing by the school someone asked...
  13. Downes


    March 20, 2021. I passed by this trailer loaded with wood on a bike ride this afternoon, 22 km riding on the dirt shoulder on the gravel bike. What people do is cut wood during the winder, so you can see similar stacks all over in the spring. I also pl...
  14. Downes


    March 19, 2021. Charlemagne is pictured mid-yawn while sleeping on the bed, head resting on the pillow, just like he sees us do it. Not really a good day as I'm still dealing with groin pain. I had a meeting and then struggled for the rest of the day t...
  15. Downes

    The Climbing Pyramid

    March 18, 2021. This is in Appleford Park in Ottawa, near the Costco, where I went for a nice spring walk. Today included a trip to the dentist and a meeting along with the usual newsletter stuff and some background reading.
  16. Downes

    On the Other Side of Town

    March 17, 2021. This is another photo the frozen Nation River, but from a different location, this time downstream from town and below the falls (you can see some open water to the right from the falls). It was my second day out on the bicycle, an 11 k...
  17. Downes

    Down by the River

    March 16, 2021. Today was the first day out on the bicycle for 2021 and I rode down to the river near the highway to get a photo of its still-frozen surface. With warm days the rest of the week the ice won't last long. Today I had a couple of meetings ...
  18. Downes

    Du Boise

    March 15, 2021. I was able to go walking again today and crossed a ditch 9getting a soaker in the process) to get this photo of the woods along Du Boise Street. A good part of my day was spent working on file upload, which works great on my website but...
  19. Downes

    Emma on the RedBlack

    March 14, 2021. It was another indoor day partially because of the weather and partially because of my health. So we get a cat picture taken with my phone. Nothing accomplished today, though I did get my bicycles given their spring tune-ups first thing...
  20. Downes

    Snow Squall

    March 12, 2021. We're not out of winter yet, as this unusually fierce overnight snow squall demonstrated. I didn't get out today - I'm being bothered by some sort of pain that might be a muscle pull, kidney stone, or who knows what else? It's very dist...
  21. Downes


    This is a bonus photo of the day because I like how it came out. It's a photo looking back at Doran park taken on my daily walk. It wasn't quite this dark, but it does capture the way the sky looked.
  22. Downes


    March 11, 2021. The doves have returned from their migration, stopping to feed at their usual spot before settling in. I took this photo through the window; hence the reflection of the glass. Today was another day spent fine-tuning the look and feel, a...
  23. Downes

    Cardinal Heights Cedar

    March 10, 2021. I did a quick loop around Cardinal Heights, the neighbourhood just north of the Costco in Ottawa, and took this HDR image of a particularly interesting cedar. Otherwise, my sole focus was still on CSS and Javascript, but I cracked some ...
  24. Downes


    March 9, 2021. I've been playimng with HDR photos the last few days so I tried this one in low light in my office of a Jeff Bannister bobblehead. I got it a number of years when I watched a ball game in Arlington, Texas. I did exactly two things today:...
  25. Downes

    Fire Hydrant

    March 8, 2020. The cold weather is in retreat and it was almost nice out for my walk today, though there's still enough snow on the ground to surround this fire hydrant (it's old multi-layered paint job appeals to me). I woke up early in order to be re...
  26. Downes

    Companion Animal

    March 7, 2021. This is me and my companion animal in No Man's Sky. I'll leave it to you to figure out which one is which. I was able to enjoy it for an hour or so this evening. Otherwise, I spent the entire day preparing for my talk tomorrow. That is a...
  27. Downes

    The Water Tower

    March 6, 2021. This is Casselman's water tower taken from a parking lot along Principale, from a longer-than-usual walk today. I played a bit with HDR, shooting bracketed photos with the camera and merging them in Lightroom. I otherwise spent the entir...
  28. Downes


    March 5, 2021. These were called super-mailboxes when they were first installed, but nobody really liked them, and I don't think they're called super-anything any more. As you can see from the photo, it was another bright brisk day with a stiff cold wi...

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