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  1. Downes


    October 1, 2021. Sparrow all fluffed up in fall feathers on the gazebo out back. Worked a bit on the course, and of course on the newsletter, but was pretty tired all day. It's hard to recover from mid-week football games, as we're not back until midni...
  2. Downes

    Yellow Flowers

    September 30, 2021. Today was in theory a day off, but I spent some extra time on my newsletter today looking up proper Indigenous resources, and also worked on the course a bit, to confirm email was sending properly (it is). But we also visited the Co...
  3. Downes

    Changing Leaves

    September 29, 2021. Fall is definitely here, as this view of my back yard attests. The birds are still frequenting the feeder, and we'll have to put out the tray feeder for the winter birds soon. Meanwhile, I continue to progress on the online course, ...
  4. Downes

    Lansdowne Park

    September 28, 2021. We were back for another RedBlacks game tonight (which we won!) in our usual seats in the north stands, pictured here. I know it has a new name but I spent a *lot* of time in this building in the 1970s working for Versa Foods, I hav...
  5. Downes


    September 27, 2021. This is Julia on her shelf in front of the window in the kitchen, right up behind where I sit. She is much more approachable these days and seems to look forward to being up there when I'm in the kitchen. Good productive day today a...
  6. Downes

    Chicken of the Woods

    September 29, 2021, bonus photo of the day. Laetiporus is a genus of edible mushrooms found throughout much of the world. Some species, especially Laetiporus sulphureus, are commonly known as sulphur shelf, chicken of the woods, the chicken mushroom, o...
  7. Downes

    Cat TV

    September 24, 2021. This is Julia enjoying the vivid colours of our back yard in the fall sunlight. I began this Friday with a panel to wrap my participation in the TILT conference, and then more work on the OERu install. I got tired of that and made a...
  8. Downes

    Wild Apples

    September 25, 2021. These apples are growing wild on a former farm now known as the Reveler Conservation Area. I took a 50km bicycle ride there and back this afternoon on a brilliant fall day. In the morning I set up the website for my upcoming MOOC; t...
  9. Downes

    Changing Room

    September 23, 2021. This is where I change into my biking clothes; it's the downstairs bathroom (which doubles as the laundry room). What I mostly did today was to work on the OERu WordPress-Docker setup, which I still can't get to run. I'm running out...
  10. Downes

    Football in the Rain

    September 22, 2021. The highlight of tonight's @RedBlacks game was the pizza, which was much improved over last game. And the rain was cool. But the 24-7 score flattered the losing side at home. Anyhow, I spent the work day working on the OERu-style Wo...
  11. Downes

    Popcorn Bowl

    September 21, 2021. Andrea burned some of her popcorn yesterday, which she placed in this bowl. Result: a tasty treat for me, because I don't mind burned popcorn at all. Work day today: meeting in the morning, attending the Creative Commons summit onli...
  12. Downes

    The Getaway

    September 19, 2021. A chickadee makes its escape with a load of seeds. We were in the Upper Canada Migratory Bird Sanctuary, where we went for a 7km hike through forests and marsh. I had my camera set wrong for the conditions so the pictures weren't al...
  13. Downes


    September 18, 2021. These are asters in our back yard. As promised, it was a work day today, though I wasn't as productive as I would have liked. Still, I got caught up on some correspondence and writing. Otherwise, played video games.
  14. Downes

    Long Sault Parkway

    September 17, 2021. A heron flies across the water of the St. Lawrence near the Long Sault Parkway, my destination in a 107 km ride I took today. It was a nice summery day so I decided to take a weekend day Friday and to work Saturday. Of course I ende...
  15. Downes

    Morning Fog

    September 16, 2021. This is looking out the back window to see the morning fog and rays of light from the rising sun. The camera on my phone (a Google Pixel 4) is pretty good for ordinary shots, but for low light or zooming, as in the last three days, ...
  16. Downes


    September 15, 2021. We had a brilliant red sunset today and I'm afraid this photo does not do it justice. Today was online conference day as I followed the proceedings of the Open Data summit, and also took part in a Creative Commons ethics of sharing ...
  17. Downes


    September 14, 2021. This is a quick shot through the window with my phone of a cardinal sporting his fall colours at the bird feeder. The seal in the window has failed and it's getting more and more opaque. Not sure what it costs to fix. I gave my pres...
  18. Downes


    September 13, 2021. This is a pretty typical scene in the fields around here as the crops mature, a very large field of soybeans (I figured there's probably a billion individual soybeans in the shot). My ride today can after a full day thinking about a...
  19. Downes

    Recuse With Love

    September 11, 2021. I spotted this guy while cycling south of town, and he gave me permission to take a photo. In all I cycled around 75 easy kilometers, including a stop where I ate too much at Rockin Ronda's and more stops to record a total of 12 Tik...
  20. Downes

    Looking Up

    September 10, 2021. This is Charlemagne looking at the phone, self-portrait style, which is flat on the shelf. Today was moderately productive; I got some paperwork finished and did some writing.
  21. Downes

    The Wasp

    September 8, 2021. Like this wasp, I spent the day working. The wasp was in the flowers outside the garage, I was in my home office working on a project proposal, writing newsletter items, and preparing for upcoming presentations. Oh, and I created ano...
  22. Downes

    Barn Raising

    September 9, 2021. I read a while back that under today's laws, traditional barn raisings would probably be illegal. But observing this effort, where a barn appears to be being built by one single person, I'm not convinced of that statement. In fact, t...
  23. Downes

    The Office Plant

    September 7, 2021. I've had this plant for five or six years now; it was my office plant in Moncton, and I brought it home and set it up in my home office. I would imagine my new plants for my Ottawa office are long dead. Today was a work day, back fro...
  24. Downes

    Dodging Rainstorms

    September 6, 2021. It was cool and rainy this morning when I set out and pictured is one of the several rainstorms I found myself trying to avoid on my ride. In all I covered 88 km cycling for the first time to Sarsfield and also to Navan. It never did...
  25. Downes

    Garry Fen

    September 5, 2021. We went for a shortish hike around Garry Fen near Alexandria today. The clouds were so heavy it felt like late evening, and eventually it was raining heavily. It made for a nice moody photo set (quite the contrast to our spirits). Al...
  26. Downes

    Fighting for the High Ground

    September 4, 2021. Lexi (left) and Julia (right) swat at each other in a dispute over the high ground in advance of tuna being dispensed. As the cat photo suggests, I made it an indoor day, and in fact, recorded five episodes of a new No Man's Sky seri...
  27. Downes

    The Blade

    September 3, 2021. This is on display at the RedBlacks game and inscribed on it are all the season ticket holder names (I looked and ours were there). The game itself was one-sided the wrong way, but we saw enough flashes to give us hope. I also had a ...
  28. Downes

    Charlemagne and the Shadows

    September 2, 2021. Though there are shadows everywhere, Charlemagne has fixated on this one little bit of wall in the bathroom. Any time someone heads that way he will race ahead to get into position. Today was the day the weight of being back at work ...

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