Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94982 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Martha

    Week 15: The Final Countdown

    cc licensed ( BY NC ND ) flickr photo shared by gavinzac That’s right, everyone, we are in the final two weeks of this semester of ds106 at UMW. For the most part, everyone should know what they need to do between now and December 14th, but there are a...
  2. cogdog

    UMW Fall 2012 Final Projects

    cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo shared by greekadman For your final project in ds106 this fall, you are going to produce a media project around a single theme that explores at least three of the genres we’ve investigated this semester: visual/design, audio, video, web, remix/mashup. (Please...
  3. Martha

    Weeks 13 & 14: ximeR

    For the next two weeks, you’ll be exploring the ideas of remixes and mashups, the artistic recasting of existing media into new forms by creative combination and editing. This will build off of your previous work in all media forms. And we will even remix assignments.
  4. cogdog

    Weeks 11 & 12: Movie Time

    It’s time to make movies! Video is perhaps the most rich of storytelling forms, and we want you to focus explicitly now on video storytelling. The only assignments on your plate are to work on video assignments, and all of which are due in two weeks time. But here is...
  5. cogdog

    Week 10: Reading Movies

    cc licensed ( BY NC ND ) flickr photo shared by alexkess This week we enter what most students find the most challenging yet rewarding portion of ds106: video. Working with video presents challenges with file formats and using more complex software. But the end rewards are often the most...
  6. cogdog

    Radio Shows LIVE on the Air

    cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by curtis.kennington This week is show time for the UMW student radio shows. Below you will find the schedule for the live streams of the shows that will take place Monday (October 22) and Tuesday (October 23) on ds206 radio. At least...
  7. Martha

    Designing Your Way into Week 6

    We’ve wrapped up our week on visual storytelling and photography, and this week we’re diving into design. You’ll spend some time this week thinking about the way the world around you is designed, as well as creating some of your own design projects.
  8. cogdog

    Week 5: Visual Storytelling

    cc licensed ( BY NC ) flickr photo shared by ap. In doing your ds106 Daily Creates you’ve already been using photography and drawing skills, plus you’ve had some practice on doing visual stories for our introduction to storytelling. In this week we go a bit deeper and give you...
  9. cogdog

    Group Radio Show Project Specs

    Overview for Group Radio Show Projects Each student will work in a group (comprised of 4-6 students) and create a radio show around a theme. Groups will be self-selected using the groups feature in Canvas (login to your course site and add yourself to a group by midnight on Sunday...
  10. Martha

    Week Four: Learning to Listen

    This week in ds106 we’re going to be diving into our first storytelling genre: audio. Working with audio can be a bit daunting and unfamiliar, so we’ll be easing you into it this week. We’ll ask you to do some listening exercises as well as begin to create your own...
  11. cogdog

    Week 3: What is a [Digital] Story?

    cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by pasukaru76 Storytelling… it’s part of the title this course, and you likely have some idea what it means from your childhood or school years. This week we will explore it in the framing of what you will be doing for the...
  12. Martha

    Week 2: Bootcamping It

    Congratulations! You’ve officially completed your first week of ds106 bootcamp. You should be proud of your accomplishments (assuming you did get everything done!). This week, we’ll be continuing to work our way through the ds106 obstacle course as you work further on customizing your blogs, wrap your heads around the...
  13. cogdog

    Week 1: Welcome to ds106 Bootcamp

    Welcome to ds106. The first two weeks of the Fall 2012 course at the University of Mary Washington is going to be the basic training you will need to survive the rest of this course. In fact, you will not be able to proceed beyond week 2 without achieving the...

ds106 in[SPIRE]