Assignment Bank #4
by @tiffmooree
January 28, 2019 This last assignment bank took the most creativity. I haven’t written my own personal short story since probably elementary school. The only thing I’m used to is essays. I wanted to challenge myself and see how well I can tell a short story. Overall it was generally easy. I didn’t make an outline or anything, I just let the story flow out of me. I used this as a chance to connect this to our theme. The assignment basically states to imagine yourself as someone else and write about it, and I didn’t specifically state that this was an alter life, it was implied. Tying this into our theme made this assignment a whole lot easier. It gave me a specific topic to write about. Being creative with it was a lot more fun that I originally thought. I thought this assignment would be a hassle, but it was honestly one of my favorite assignment banks from the past couple of weeks. It took the most time, but it was the most rewarding. Pushing myself was definitely worth it.