1. @hannahdgst

    Animoji Karaoke

    This is embarrassing lol I chose this song (Are You Bored Yet? by Wallows) because I am seeing them live in May and their new album is pretty good. This Animoji is supposed to look like me, but the only accurate thing is probably the glasses. They didn’t have many options for the other features. … Continue reading Animoji Karaoke
  2. @bfrullads106

    Mission Remix Discussion

    Hello fellow agents, the word from up top is that next week we will be starting work on our final missions. As a method of preparation for our final missions, we have been tasked with the responsibility to outline what we think would best suit our team favorably in the acquisition of this goal. I […]
  3. @bfrullads106

    Flickr-sounds mashup

    photo by Misplaced New Yorker.. :^). Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License Drag Racing 3.wav photo by Katzencie ♡ Attribution License AK-47 Firing photo by Seattle Department of Transportation Attribution-NonCommercial License police_chopper1.mp3 Hey everyone, I have no idea if this is embedded properly, but I tried my best to format it to be less ugly. I made a police […]
  4. @madeleine_ds106

    Mission Remix

    So for the mission remix assignment, I think it would be fun to do an audio/image based assignment. As much difficulty as I had with video assignments these past two weeks, I think it would be important to incorporate the skills we all learned here as...
  5. @madeleine_ds106

    Logo mashup

    For this assignment, I had to combine two logos into one logo. I chose Target and Urban Outfitters. I used the main red target for Target and then the basic print name for Urban Outfitters. It was really easy to create this graphic. I simply downloaded the two companies’ logos to my computer and then used the graphic design website, Canva, to mashup the two logos.
  6. @madeleine_ds106

    Holiday Mashup

    For this assignment, I had to make a mashup of images from my three favorite holidays. I decided to use a Christmas tree for Christmas, champagne glasses for New Years, and a turkey for Thanksgiving. This assignment was really easy to create. I used Canva again to edit all the images together and then downloaded the image onto my computer.
  7. @madeleine_ds106

    Superhuman in everyday life

    For this assignment I had to insert a picture of a superhero into a normal day picture. I inserted a picture of Wonder Woman into a picture of a lifeguard stand at a beach. To create this image, I used the graphic design website, Canva. I made the background image a picture of the beach and then inserted a picture of Wonder Woman. I have used Canva a lot for assignments in this class and it is super easy and user friendly!
  8. @jpegman24

    Digital Storytelling; Week 11; Weekly Assignment

    This week, I did the “Mash up Trailers” Assignment I chose two of my favorite movies, Inception and the Dark Knight and put their trailers together. Both a great psychological thrillers so the stories made sense combined. I downloaded each trailer and chopped up each individual scene before piecing it all back together. I’m not …

    Continue reading "Digital Storytelling; Week 11; Weekly Assignment"

  9. @JasmineAlanis2

    Summary: Week 11

    Do I even have to say it? I started my week off right with some daily creates!! Have a look at them! First: I can fly, I just know I can! #tdc2639 #ds106 #dailycreate pic.twitter.com/eE4TTEaZiB — Jasmine Alanis (@JasmineAlanis2) April 3, 2019 Second: Mini CooperGiant PandaFootlong Sub#ds106 #tdc2640 — Jasmine Alanis (@JasmineAlanis2) April 5, 2019
  10. @JasmineAlanis2

    Mission Idea

    DS106 agents have gone missing! We are losing more agents every hour! Create missing agent posters and find a way to bring our agents back home. Follow the clues on twitter to find out who is taking all of our agents.
  11. @JasmineAlanis2

    D-D-Daily creates

    First: For my first daily create, I added a caption to a random image. I don’t have much to say about this other than LOOK AT HOW CUTE IT IS!! I captioned the photo with the exact thought that popped into my head when I saw it. I can fly, I just know I can!

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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