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  1. @jpegman24

    Digital Storytelling; Week 13; Weekly Summary

    This week, I worked on planning out my final project. For the project, I’m going to continue a story I started last week on the Text Message Story conversation. My secret agent is tasked with interrupting a illegal vinyl transaction. The Vinyl contains a key to a very important location in the city’s catacombs. I …

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  2. @jpegman24

    Digital Storytelling; Week 11; Weekly Assignment

    This week, I did the “Mash up Trailers” Assignment I chose two of my favorite movies, Inception and the Dark Knight and put their trailers together. Both a great psychological thrillers so the stories made sense combined. I downloaded each trailer and chopped up each individual scene before piecing it all back together. I’m not …

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  3. @jpegman24

    Digital Storytelling; Week 9; Weekly Assignment

    For this week’s assignment, I chose the “Privacy on the Web” I counted the number of open sourced programs on my laptop. I have 5 total. These include OpenEmu, flux, Textmate, Discord, and Audacity. I could probably replace a lot of my commercial software with freeware but commercial software is labeled as such for a …

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  4. @jpegman24

    Digital Storytelling; Week 9; Weekly Assignment

    For this week’s assignment, I chose the “What They Might Have Done In Social Media” assignment. Michael Jordan famously went on a rant telling parents not to expect him to parent and teach their children. People shorten the rant to those famous three words
  5. @jpegman24

    Digital Storytelling; Week 6; Weekly Assignment

    For this week’s assignment, I worked on the “Website Design” challenge. As a computer science major, I used to work on websites a lot in my free time to hone my skills. One of my last projects was a personal blog website written and designed 100% by myself. I never got around to finishing it …

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  6. @jpegman24

    Digital Storytelling; Week 6; Design Thoughts

    One thing that stuck out to me the most from this article was the excerpt on colors. Popova describes how mixing colors can evoke certain moods in a viewer. I’ve been programming for a very long time and my favorite part is designing websites. It’s very rewarding for a design or sketch come together perfectly …

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