1. @rachelds106

    aesthetic audio/video mashup

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5d-2PbL348&feature=youtu.be Hey everyone! So I created my own mashup assignment (maybe I didn’t but when I was looking I didn’t find one like this) but I’m sure there’s something similar to it out there. Basically I just combined my audio from this assignment a couple of weeks back, and some video clips I found on Pexels.  I tried to match the clips to the aesthetic of the sound I had created. For example, you’ll see in the video that the first clip is of rain (of course) and then followed by a clip of someone playing the piano as those keys chime in from the audio. Surprisingly, if you look closely enough, some of the keys that are being played in the audio seem to match up with the person playing in the video. It’s not perfect, but there’s a bit of synchrony there and that was a stroke of luck for me because I didn’t try for that! I also color edited a few of the clips, such as the kids playing in the rain, the picture of the plants blowing in the wind. For each clip, I increased the temperature and saturation a bit and brought down the brightness a little. I wanted to create a fall, rainy day vibe.  As the audio got quicker I made the clips shorter to match […]
  2. @rachelds106

    emoji comparison

    ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (I’m rating it a 2 personally) Hey guys! So this assignment was very simple and easy to do. I just had to take a picture of a friend doing something in the moment that looks like one of the emojis on a phone. My sister was with me doing her homework when I found this assignment, and I asked for her help. She told me her favorite emoji was the one smirking with sunglasses on, so she found a pair and I took a picture of her! These are the results:  Since this assignment was very easy and done in two seconds, I chose to do a third assignment to do, so that will be my next post!  What is your favorite emoji? 
  3. @rachelds106

    80’s movie scene mashup

    ✰✰✰✰   For this assignment, I chose to combine two famous 80’s movie scenes into one picture. I’ve seen this picture of the scene many times, just in pictures and references on blog posts, etc., but I’ve actually never seen the movie itself (Say Anything). Maybe it’ll be the next quarantine movie I’ll watch! I tried to make it look like these two were jamming out to music together and trying to get someone’s attention. I got both pictures from Pinterest and edited it using PicsArt on my phone. I think the lower part of Bender’s body up until it reaches his arm looks pretty realistic. It was hard to crop his arm and the head, but I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. I chose these two scenes because I figured it would be easier to make it look like one whole picture with people who were presenting in similar positions (standing), wearing similar clothing (the coats). To me, they honestly look like they could be friends! I had thoughts at first about putting the guy with the boombox (not sure his name) in Bender’s end scene (on the football field) but I thought that background with the car might’ve made that more difficult to do.  Let me know what you think!  If you’ve seen both of these movies, which do you […]
  4. @IngrahamAllison

    Weekly Wrap-UP!

    I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy! I’ve enjoyed this week more than the last few. The mashup assignment bank is by far my favorite out of all of them. Daily Creates: Assignment Bank:
  5. @1215007705141780482

    Week 12

    As we get closer and closer to the end of school I just want to say that I’m grateful for learning a lot from this class. This week was a busy one but I was able to hang in there. This week’s focus was on Mashup and Remix. And to do some Twitter Daily Creates. […]

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