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Bag of Gold

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If haven’t checked out Tom Woodwar’s remix of Gardner Campbell’s #opened09 talk “No More Digital Facelifts” do so now before you read on.

After listening to this remix I decided to take a shot at adding some bits to the arrangement.  I wanted to add my pieces yet offer a way to leave some breadcrumbs for others to easily pick up and run with whatever I managed to knit together.  I decided to use online audio editor Myna to upload Tom’s piece and make my edits/additions.  Like Tom, I wanted to limit myself to an hour and see what I could come up with.

Want to grab the baton and add some clips/effects/audio dynamics and stir the remix?  Go for it – the editor can be accessed here.  You can access and play as much as you like without the need to login, but to save you will need to create a free account with Aviary.

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