Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92635 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. gpotter

    KFAT and #western106

    Just completed that long overdue migration of #ds106radio this week from Canadian Web Hosting (props for a solid 5 years of hosting) to ReclaimHosting.  Broadcasting studio is now setup in a shed on the top of ReclaimHQ and the new antenna is broadcasting stronger than ever with an upgrade to Airtime 2.5.1 Given that the radio … Continue reading "KFAT and #western106"
  2. gpotter

    ‘The Prisoner’ + ‘The Prisoner 2? video games

    With all the great in-browser software emulation emerging over the last few years I thought I’d take a cue from Jim regarding The Prisoner game released for Apple II and see if I could find an emulated version. 30 minutes into my search I not only found .dsk files for both The Prisoner and The Prisoner […]
  3. gpotter

    #ds106radio update

    Photo via @noiseprofessor For the first time since 2011 #ds106radio went down hard – for 48 hours.   I won’t go into the details of what the ice weasels reported when they entered the station, but they felt it best to reno the studios and broadcast tower by eating most of the station.  Luckily, the […]
  4. gpotter

    The Moth

    Storytelling rests on ‘ands’.  It’s a series of connectives and all of the contentious parts kinda have to exist as subtext – you’re simply narrating something.  The audience is enlisted in the narration and the disagreements exist at a deeper level. There is a kind of intimacy, an old fashioned campfire, front-porch intimacy, that comes […]
  5. gpotter

    Walking Distance to the Jukebox

    [audio:|titles=Bombpa] “And also like all men perhaps there’ll be an occasion, maybe a summer night sometime, when he’ll look up from what he’s doing and listen to the distant music of a calliope, and hear the voices and the laughter of the people and the places of his past. And perhaps across his mind there’ll […]
  6. gpotter

    Time Enough At Loop

    Here’s a #ds106zone Week 2 submission – Time Enough At Loop. It was made by layering a looped selection from the opening of Pink Floyd’s Time with a video loop selection from the Twilight Zone’s Time Enough At Last episode usin...
  7. gpotter widgets and player

    by underwent some DNS resolution hiccups last week resulting in the our URL not resolving to IP consistently … it is all worked out now and as @scottlo would say, “Is All Set For The GumBall Rally” The server will have a copy of @aforgrave’s great browser-based player at this weekend – mobile […]
  8. gpotter

    The New, Old Radio Friend

    It has been over 2 years since the freeform webradio experiment #ds106radio poked its head up on the internet.  It has been a fast, loose, out of control experiment in audio held together by chewing gum, duct tape, and a whole lotta awesome people. I was never quite crazy about the /AutoDJ element of CentovaCast […]
  9. gpotter

    Week 1: Letter from Camp Magic MacGuffin

    A little behind moving my stuff into camp this week and will play a little catchup with my Family Legend – it’s coming. I did manage to get the Camp Magic Macguffin PA system hooked up and plugged into my stereo last week and managed to pop in a cassette to make a recording. Camp ...
  10. gpotter

    Library of Congress – Packard Campus

      It’s going to take me at least a week to unpack my fantastic trip to Virginia but I thought I’d start with a little reflection on the screening room at the Library of Congress Packard Campus where I was treated to 35mm reels of Shaft and the French Connection in their amazing 205 seat ...
  11. gpotter

    Android to #ds106radio

    Have an Android powered phone?  Been looking for a way to broadcast live audio to #ds106radio? Pocket Transmitter allows you broadcast to #ds106radio in same manner as things are done with Papaya Broadcaster. There is one small snag … this application requires users to connect to IceCast using Shoutcast-compatibility mode.  Once of the key elements ...
  12. gpotter

    CBC Archive: Radio On

    Photo via: Back in January I waxed nostalgic on radio tales in Have Not Been The Same and had the great fortune to connect with Bill in the comments. Bill dropped me a line with a link to an archive he made of RadioOn from 2003 – a show hosted by David Wisdom and ...
  13. gpotter

    Targeting Technology for Maximum Student Benefit

    I attended Targeting Technology for Maximum Student Benefit Thursday, Feb 9 organized by the SFU Center for the Study of Educational Leadership The conference asked: The BC Education Plan calls for “learning empowered by technology”. How is this best done? Which of the many possible uses of technology should be given priority? How should limited technology funding be used?   ...
  14. gpotter

    Building Creative Hubs

    Last week CBC Spark broadcast an interesting interview with Mark Surman -Executive Director of the Mozilla Foundation.  Mark talks about innovation hubs, ideas regarding geography and online space in ‘workplace’ collaboration, multi-disciplinary design, and makes a few interesting observations: … the Internet was invented by hippies and the Web was made big by punk rock … … ...
  15. gpotter

    The Langley Schools Music Project

    “I knew virtually nothing about conventional music education, and didn’t know how to teach singing. Above all, I knew nothing of what children’s music was supposed to be. But the kids had a grasp of what they liked: emotion, drama, and making music as a group. Whether the results were good, bad, in tune or ...
  16. gpotter

    Have Not Been The Same

      Have Not Been The Same: The Canrock Renaissance (1985-1995) chronicles the decade of the rise of independent record labels, college radio, CBC’s Brave New Waves and Nightlines and how these factors emerged to form a rich network for Canadian independent music.  The nearly 800 page social history of Canadian indie music during this decade is packed with ...
  17. gpotter

    Sex and Broadcasting

    “I’m not dead.” I’M NOT DEAD. “It’s just a rumor, spread by my enemies,” he says. IT’S JUST A RUMOR. SPREAD BY MY ENEMIES. SO THEY CAN TAKE THE RADIO STATION AWAY FROM ME. excerpt from Sex and Broadcasting Lorenzo Milam’s Sex and Broadcasting (PDF) was an early 60′s manifesto and how-to guide to radical, ...
  18. gpotter

    Lightsaber Fight #1

    My son Gabriel tried his hand at Lego animation over the Christmas holidays. Below is his first experiment. Gabriel used iMotion, iMovie, SaberFX, and the Star Wars Soundboard to complete this short clip … Dad was the crew best boy.
  19. gpotter

    Call Me At The Station … The Lines Are Open

    I’ve been asked how I patched #ds106radio 1-888 phonecalls /LIVE into my Going Back to New York City show last week.  Here’s the scoop. I used NiceCast with 2 Application Mixers: 1 for a media player, 1 for a VoIP application – in my case Telephone. I hijacked both applications with the mixers and faded ...
  20. gpotter

    McLuhan Mashups

    The Mother Corp hosted a Demystifying McLuhan Mashup Challenge that yielded some great submissions.  The contest was in 2 parts: an HTML5 powered audio ‘soundboard’ puzzle and the mashup challenge.  The un-geolocked (c’mon CBC – can’t we figure out a way to share nicely?) grand prize winner and runner up are below.   Communicating in ...
  21. gpotter

    #ds106radio Going Back to New York City

      One belongs to New York instantly, one belongs to it as much in five minutes as in five years. ~ Thomas Wolfe .I put together a few New York themed songs, shouted out my radio show theme and time on Twitter, and opened the #ds106 PBX.  The result was a 4 hour tribute to NYC ...
  22. gpotter


    Contact is a working festival of innovation where the net’s leading minds and entrepreneurs can connect with the people who are building the social technologies of tomorrow. The net of the future will not be fueled by ads, but by people solving real problems through distributed, peer-to-peer solutions. More festival than conference, Contactcon is easily one ...

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