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DS106 — Introduction & First Post

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Hello everyone! My name is Johnathan Blake and I am a student of Jim Groom’s section 4 (online) of Digital Storytelling.

I want to introduce myself in the form of a quick story since this a digital storytelling class. Recently, UMW reached out to me for a student employment job. I went into the interview and interviewed well, and I was excited to begin working. The next day, they reached out to me and told me I could have the job. Following that, the Financial Aid office told me that if I took the job, I would have to reduce other forms of financial aid (which I could not afford to do). In the end I did not take the job. However, while I was there interviewing, I saw a sign that Jimmy Eat World will be performing at UMW on Feb. 9th!!! This made my semester for me. I’m so excited and I cannot wait to see them at our school. I always feel like small venues have a much more personal feel to them. I have attached two photos below:

Jimmy Eat World

UMW Dodd Stage

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