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Digital Storytelling 002: I just don’t have the time!

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Listen to this! Broadcast – Pendulum.

Hell, I had assumed that I wasn’t gonna be able to follow Digital Storytelling, The Curse™ as tight as I’d like. There are thousands of rassons for that, but mainly I’d say that I’m working w/6 others on my own on line course to start here in 33 days, and this shit is eating me (I’ve developed the site and that I’m already exhausted).

While thinking how to excuse myself on Twitter for that I realised that many of you might be thinking on creative excuses in order to explain your lacks of blogposts on #DS106… so I thought, am I the worst excuse-maker? How many of you are using the TIME as your main argument? So, this is a tagcloud for your twitter conversation (up to 5-6 days, you know) about the curse. Appart of the hashtag being used, TIME is the most frequent word in the whole RSS feed.

Now I feel better. Have a nice weekend!

PS: RIP Trisha Keenan, Broadcast lead singer :_(

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