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Assignment 1: Introduction

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Hello! I finally got my site up and running. It wasn’t that difficult once I started on it. Now I am ready for this class!

Assignment 1: Running through snow!

For my introduction assignment, I am going to tell a story about my trip back home from New Jersey/ New York, which happened about a week ago.

I was staying in New Jersey with my sister and our best friend. Our bus was going to leave at 11:30 am on a Friday morning. That morning we woke up at 8:30 am and this is was when the panicking began. I peered out through the window, and screamed, “There are 3 inches of snow on the ground!” My friend and sister quickly jumped out of bed and we started freaking out because we had to get my friend’s brother to drive us to the train station! That was not possible with all the snow out there!

We rushed and got ready, just hoping for a miracle. We left ourĀ houseĀ at about 9:30 am and had to catch a train at 10:20 am, which would take us to New York City. My friend’s brother was able to drive us to the train station through the snow, very very slowly though! We arrived at the station, only minutes before the train was to leave. Then the troubles began…we had to each carry our suit cases up a long flight of stairs which were covered in snow! THEN had to quickly purchase our tickets for the train and make sure we caught it in time! We were able to catch our train, but we had to switch trains onto another one which took us into New York City. We were able to accomplish this part of this travel, but were still stressed because we still had to catch our bus at 11:30 am in New York City, which was 10 blocks from where the train would drop us off.

We arrived at New York City and it was snowing so much!! It was not possible for us to catch a taxi in this weather because they were all taken! At this point, it was already 11:15 am. We only had 15 minutes to make it across 10 blocks, in several inches of snow. I was not used to this city life with people running all over the place! In a rush, we walked very fast, rolling our suitcases behind us. We were happy when we reached the bus station with 5 minutes still to spare. When we finally reached where our bus was to leave, we heard a man say ‘Okay, only room for one more.” Panic ran through our minds! We had made it a few minutes before 11:30 am and this made no sense to us! Fortunately, he was talking about a different bus. Relief swept over us, and we were able to relax. We caught the bus and made our way down to Washington D.C. and made it home safely!

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