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Why so reluctant?

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Gardner Campbell’s talk struck a nerve in me when he tried to figure out why people are so reluctant to imagine and explore new possibilities in the cyberinfrastructure. Like most people, I was most impressed by the short “bag of gold” dialog between Campbell and a typical non-believer. The problem, it seems, is that so many people refuse to even try to imagine the future possibilities of the technology we have at our disposal. Many people dismiss Twitter, for instance, by referring to the vapid and typo-ridden posts with which it has come to be associated (“workfoodsleep” or “gooing to party 2nigt LOL txt me”). However, while these sorts of posts certainly exist, they are hardly representative of the thought and creativity that also abounds on the site. By failing to imagine that these technologies can be any more than the lowest common denominator, these doubters are no better than the people who post these empty messages.

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