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Web2.0 is here

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Tim O´Reilly´s Web 2.0 reading

1 – What I have understood:
The Web is a platform to host the open source Applications . The network has to able to react to Users´s interacting and contributions. Therefore web applications must implement an participatory architecture.
Users pursuing their personal objectives (according to values , interest and resources) co-develop and add value to the databases.
The Cloud applications ( the ones always in perpetual Beta state ) must cope with the panoply of devices (mobiles, PC and Internet servers) which are not only consuming data but are also reporting it .
Control over rich data-sources is essential for a company to survive WEB 2.0 implements Design for hackability and remaxibility .

2- What I have concluded:
WEB2.0 is here. because we are observing all these competencies and the problems deriving from “who owns what”.

3 – What is not mentioned:
WEB3.0 , the one coming out of all the data User´s tagging  processes. AI behind it is not mentioned.
Semantic Web is here (Sir Tim Berners-Lee says it ) . Maybe we have to let go also the control of the data, contrary to Tim O´Reilly says.

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