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Okay, it took me a long time to decide what to write about but I finally figured something out. During the last presidential election, my husband wanted to see history in the making, so he of course got tickets to the inauguration and I had to go along for the ride. I am definitely not a supporter of President Obama or history, so this was difficult for me. We also got some of our friends to come with. Then my husband/ soon to be husband decided why not have a small ceremony and get married while our friends out in town. So we ended doing a justice of the peace wedding the day before the inauguration. Note, this was not my idea of a fun filled day, the day after getting married.

The following morning we woke up at 4 am. in order to get to the train station by 5am. I should also note that this day was freezing, no sun what so ever. Once off the train, we got some breakfast and walked to the national mall. It did not seem so bad on the walk there, but once planted, we slowly got surrounded like sardines in a can. This did not keep us warm either. We stood for three hours waiting for the President on the teleprompters, which you could not see or here any way. Then another 2 hours while the President was sworn into office. During this time we decided to count how many snipers we could find. After this the disaster unfolded, you could not move. All of DC was gridlocked full of people. You had to push your way through people and hope you were not trampled. Ambulances and police couldn’t even get through. To make matters worse all roads were closed to walking and once at the train station, hours later, after walking down the freeway, it was also closed to the public. There was no where to eat, or even a restroom. Around 5pm. we finally got into the train station after being in the cold all day and happily ate some McDonald’s before the ride home. This was by far the worst day ever.

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