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More Features

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As I'm sure you'll be able to see, I've added a Twitter feed to the "Cool Stuff" portion of the sidebar. This was easy enough, as Googling "add twitter to my site" immediately led me (read "I followed the first result") to very easy setup instructions. This, along with the Google Analytics I've installed, was the easy part of tonight's/this morning's update.

The challenging part was adding blog/comment subscription functionality. But that doesn't mean it wasn't fun! I had to change the schema of the database (added a new table and altered an existing one) to optimize the structure for allowing subscription lists. In the near future, I'll be adding a feature which will allow you to, through the emails you receive from your subscription, unsubscribe from that particular blog. There's really no sophisticated email plugin running here (although I plan to switch from the PHP mail() function to the Mail_Mime package in PHP Pear to make sending HTML emails safer).

If you have any suggestions for other cool things I can add to the site (other than Facebook connect) I'd love to hear about it in the comments section. Also, let me know how email subscription works out! I love feedback!

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