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Revue Review: The Human Centipede (First Sequence)

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I probably missed the boat a bit in seeing this, but this film’s concept alone is of such crucial importance to the absurdist genre, I am compelled to comment on it. While I would be lying to call this movie good, or even watchable on a mass scale, it is an important study in the fine art of melodrama. I would be incredibly surprised if 98% of the scenes had any semblance of a script. So bad, it’s good. I have avoided any major spoilers, but I must warn you that there are some very naughty and vomit-inducing concepts involved that I have condensed and contorted into a comic strip. This movie channels Kafka’s Metamorphosis, dealing with the burden of transformation as a result of a negative life outlook, if you wanted to try to justify it as actual art. If you would like to play the game that is shown in the last panel, a conceptual remake of the classic Centipede arcade game, HERE it is. All right, I’ll quit yakkin’, without further ado, The Very Human Centipede:

a comic strip!
a comic strip!
a comic strip!
a comic strip!
a comic strip!
a comic strip!

Photo credits (in order of appearance):


Film-Book, 2


Cracked Rabbit Gaming


4.bp.blogspot, 2, 3



Keystone Kops

OJ Simpson Chase



Wall Street Cheat Sheet

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