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My favs (my stuff)

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I have to admit that there are some of my daily shoot photos that I didn’t really care for that much, and there were some that I absolutely loved. I think a lot of it has to do with the prompt for the day. Sometimes it was hard for me to get creative with certain prompts. However, I am very proud of a few of my photos.

I really liked this photo simply for how creative I was with it. This was my first photo and it wasn’t actually an assigned date to do a dailyshoot. The day before we officially had to start I decided to do a test run and this is what came out of it. I was sitting there thinking about what I could use for the photo and then I saw this candle holder (in case you wondered what it was). I also have to give some credit to my boyfriend, ahemmmm, my fiance, Bryce, who actually held the lighter and the candle holder while I took the picture. He was upset when everyone commented on it and wanted his name put to it. So he does get some credit for that. But the idea was mine. :)

This one if one of my favorites because of the focus. I love how detailed it is. I also love how I was able to use leftover cardboard tubing from Christmas wrapping paper to make a cool picture.

This was was so much fun for me because of the bright colors and the use of light and shadows. I really like how it turned out.

Overall I have to say that the dailyshoot assignment was annoying at times, because some days were so crazy for me and it was hard to actually find the time to look at the prompt and brainstorm and idea. For the most part I really enjoyed it and I hope others liked my work as well.

As for my visual/design project:

This was my visual assignment and I really liked it just because it was so much fun to make it. I was really pleased with the final story that came out of it.

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