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My favs (of the class)

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As the whole dailyshoot project was going on, I was amazed by some people’s creativity and photography skills. Here are some that stood out to me.

I really like this photo by duncandonuts56. It mainly like it because it’s an apple plugged into an apple charger. :) I just think the idea was very creative and makes a picture of a charger interesting.

This one, by Cabbagepatch159, is another one of my favs just because of how empty the photo is of people, but yet how full it is of character. I love how long it looks with the bikes on both sides. It just a very organized shot. It definitely shows depth.

This one is by Rowan Peter I find with this picture, as with all the ones I’ve chosen, they are all very well taken photographs, but what actually draws me in isn’t so much the quality of the photograph (they are all great) but the way the photographer decided to interpret the prompt and the creativity they used for it. Newsworthy: The milk has been spilled, but don’t cry over it! :)

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