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Why I hate WordPress

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Jim has forced me to switch over to WordPress for the duration of the course, but I won’t go quietly.  From the moment I opened up the control panel, I didn’t know what was going on.  I was hit from every direction with customizable features such as widgets, themes, and sidebar content.  Just what the Hell is all this?

Can’t I blog in peace?  Where’s my fine-tuned control?  I want nothing to do with the million useless things WordPress has to offer me.  I want to rip the guts out of the code on here, rearrange it in my own image, and be proud of my creation, hailing its magnificence from the rooftops.

All this bloat!  Who would want some of this stuff?  Akismet?  What’s wrong with reCAPTCHA?  Google all the way, and all that good stuff.

I like things my way:

Where’s the RSS icon? I miss that guy. He never did anything to hurt anyone.

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