real quick…
I know I was hoping to be in the process of writing out a script/narrative for the story but after deciding to change focus to one character I realized that there would be much more research required. Not just research on the Battle of Fredericksburg but also and moreso on General Burnside and in addition fine tuning the actual format I’m going to present the story in. I want to fully understand the story inside and out so that I can exploit just the right things for humor. So…. researching those two subjects more in depth, then beginning to write out a narrative, and then assembling media. The media assembly is still a little fuzzy. I’m hoping to pick up a few more tricks/skills in class over the next couple of weeks that can be employed in the project. With the Math test I have this week as well as this weeks ds106 assignment it may be another week or so before I can really start getting some work done on this. More to come!
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