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Teaching with digital tools

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I read the post by Malanie McBride today and I have to admit I am not really sure what I was reading about. I watched the Disney remix of Alice and Wonderland and really have no idea why it was significant. I honestly thought that is was really annoying and very repetitive. Maybe she was pointing out that we are limited in our ability to create something like that because of school policies, not sure. I do not know what the policies are at the University on using digital media, but I do think it’s a great way to help students learn or even get a better perspective on whats going on all over the world. Sitting in a class for 3 hours or even one hour, solely listening to an instructor talk is very boring. Everyone learns differently, so many are at a disadvantage here. I also feel that an instructor can incorporate too much digital media and a happy medium should be met. As for remixes, they might be great to help a student remember a process or express themselves, but I am not sure what else.
I also enjoyed the TED video. In addition to copyright laws, society has ridiculous restrictions on everything, not only for children. Children need to get dirty and not be sheltered from life so they can learn. If someone says you can’t do something, it then becomes the forbidden fruit. If the digital tools are available, we should be able to use them to our advantage.

Copyright laws are also rather ridiculous these days. I have a different outlook on them. Not all ideas may have been thought up by someone else, but most have been. The only reason its copyrighted is so someone can make money off of the idea. I personally think if we have the knowledge we should share it. This will create an even stronger idea or solution as a whole. The University is only controlling what can be presented and used because its the law. Of course we could protest against this idea, but society may not accept the idea. I totally agree that copyright laws make it difficult to create new ideas or even have fun with a project because you are so limited with material.

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