I spent some time looking at some mashups over the last week or so. One of my favorites is the example that Jim put on the asssignmnet post (http://gephy.umwblogs.org/2010/11/09/mashup/). I love how the author/creator incorporated so many different elements, and tied all of them together to create a new picture. And this one here, IS AMAZING! Chewie and Han, together alas…..
I really like the picture ones, such as the two above. I am working on mine now, and it’s been quite fun. I’m doing something with a MG twist on it of course. I’m basically designing my “dream garage”, using Photoshop to cut and arrange some pics, and ultimately putting everything in it I would someday like to have. I’ve never used PhotoShop before, so it is a new experience for me. I’m still having a problem trying to rotate certain elements. I found the “rotate object” tool, but I can’t seem to get it to work. If anyone has any advice, it would be greatly appreciated.
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