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FP #6

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More more players……

From left to right, their names are Stephen, Peter, Jinsoo (again), and Corey.

Stephen was born in Baltimore, MD, but he now lives in Gainsville, VA. Like Alex, Stephen is majoring in Business and is trying to join a seminary or to go on a mission trip after his graduation. I was kind of surprised how he didn’t want to pursue a career in law given the fact that his dad is a lawyer.
Next to Stephen, Peter, on the other hand, is trying to follow his dad’s footsteps and become a dentist. Contrary to this fact, one of his hobbies was sleeping.
Corey is currently a senior majoring in Spanish Education. I personally think he would become a really good teacher. He pretty much likes every Sports and plays them every week. He is from Charlottesville, VA.
What all three of them had in common was that they loooove playing sports.

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