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Here’s a summary of my ‘personal cyberinfrastructure’:


I’ve been self-hosting my own website since 2005. My host is Serversaurus and the physical infrastructure is located in Melbourne, Australia. I chose to host locally because there’s none of the inherent network latency and legal issues associated with hosting offshore.

My account is cPanel-based. I also host my own email account. I pop that email account through gmail mail and use mailplane (on my laptop), which makes gmail even better!

I also host a wiki, which I use to collobarate with some colleagues. I use the MediaWiki software.


My website is built using WordPress as the CMS, and Thesis theme. There are a only a couple of theme customisations, that:

  • Adds a Tweet button to each post
  • Adds a Creative Commons license to the footer
  • Adds Slickr Flickr plugin to the Multimedia box

I also added some social links into a sidebar widget and use the ColorStroked freehand Icon set by ~mfayaz.


For performance reasons, I’ve tried not to use too many plugins. I’m using the following:

Akismet: to protect from comment and trackback spam.

Read/Listen/Watch: to display what I’m reading, listening to, and watching. These items are linked to my Amazon account. It’s easy to use, but I wish it didn’t repeat the category header each time. It’d be great if I could link the podcasts to iTunes too.

ShareThis: to let visitors share a post/page with others via social media.

Slickr Flickr: to display photos from my Flickr in slideshows and galleries. I installed this for #ds106, and the @dailyshoot assignment. It was a little tricky to set-up, but it works well.

Subscribe To Comments: allows readers to receive email notifications of new comments that are posted to an entry. I’ve been using this since I first set-up a WordPress blog. Unfortunately, some people still don’t get RSS!

Twitter Tools: to provide integration between my blog and Twitter. I’ll use it to tweet out new blog posts.

WPtouch: to formats my site with a mobile theme for visitors using mobile devices (iPhones etc). This is an increasingly popular way of accessing the Internet, so I’m improving accessibility and future-proofing the site.

WP-DB-Backup: to backup the WordPress database. Hat tip to @cheryl.

Well, that’s what it looks like at the moment. I’m sure it’ll change … it is always evolving!

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