Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92751 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Daryl

    Gathering ’11 Podcast #08 — Interview with Jean Russell

    Gathering ’11 was an event that brought together leading thinkers, change-makers and collaborators from across Australia and around the world to explore and develop ideas on how to solve today’s most pressing social and environmental challenges, together. In this series of podcasts I interview the attendees about their personal experiences of Gathering ’11, as a ...
  2. Daryl

    Gathering ’11 Podcast #07 — Interview with David Week

    Gathering ’11 was an event that brought together leading thinkers, change-makers and collaborators from across Australia and around the world to explore and develop ideas on how to solve today’s most pressing social and environmental challenges, together. In this series of podcasts I interview the attendees about their personal experiences of Gathering ’11, as a ...
  3. Daryl

    Gathering ’11 Podcast #06 — Interview with Matt Cooperrider

    Gathering ’11 was an event that brought together leading thinkers, change-makers and collaborators from across Australia and around the world to explore and develop ideas on how to solve today’s most pressing social and environmental challenges, together. In this series of podcasts I interview the attendees about their personal experiences of Gathering ’11, as a ...
  4. Daryl

    Gathering ’11 Podcast #04 — Interview with Ralf Lippold

    Gathering ’11 was an event that brought together leading thinkers, change-makers and collaborators from across Australia and around the world to explore and develop ideas on how to solve today’s most pressing social and environmental challenges, together. In this series of podcasts I interview the attendees about their personal experiences of Gathering ’11, as a ...
  5. Daryl

    One Day Wonder event

    I’ve neglected my blog over the past couple of weeks. I’ve had a couple of distractions — one of which has been the ‘One Day Wonder‘: an annual event on the the Victorian Facilitators Network calendar, which I’ve been helping to organise this year. It’s a learning event created by, with and for facilitators and ...
  6. Daryl

    Gathering ’11 Podcast #03 — Interview with Helen Mitchell

    Gathering ’11 was an event that brought together leading thinkers, change-makers and collaborators from across Australia and around the world to explore and develop ideas on how to solve today’s most pressing social and environmental challenges, together. In this series of podcasts I interview the attendees about their personal experiences of Gathering ’11, as a ...
  7. Daryl

    Gathering ’11 Podcast #02 — Interview with Marigo Raftopoulos

    Gathering ’11 was an event that brought together leading thinkers, change-makers and collaborators from across Australia and around the world to explore and develop ideas on how to solve today’s most pressing social and environmental challenges, together. In this series of podcasts I interview the attendees about their personal experiences of Gathering ’11, as a ...
  8. Daryl

    Another Sunday morning ride

    This morning, I caught the train out to Elsternwick to meet Tony, for what’s becoming a regular Sunday ride. It started out as a nice morning, but before I even got there, a cold south-westerly wind had picked up and made conditions less than ideal. Once again, we didn’t set ourselves a cracking pace, preferring ...
  9. Daryl

    Gathering ’11 Podcast #01 — Interview with Viv McWaters

    Gathering ’11 was an event that brought together leading thinkers, change-makers and collaborators from across Australia and around the world to explore and develop ideas on how to solve today’s most pressing social and environmental challenges, together. In this series of podcasts I interview the attendees about their personal experiences of Gathering ’11, as a ...
  10. Daryl

    Whale caravan

    This time last year, we we’re camped on the Ningaloo Reef off the coast of Western Australia, watching whales. Looking back through some old notebooks, I came across a little poem I wrote: Whale caravan Following their long journey from the ocean depths Snow-capped mountains break across the reef An avalanche of white mist crashes ...
  11. Daryl

    On creativity and being an artist

    This is another brain-dump type post. As seems to be my way, these things percolate in my head for too long, so I’m just trying to get them out instead of trying to be too structured and lucid. Apologies if it seems a little scattered, but I wanted to share these thoughts and the resources ...
  12. Daryl

    An afternoon ride

    It was an absolutely gorgeous winter’s day today.  The sun was shining and there was not a breath of wind. I was feeling kind of lousy this morning, so I decided to head out for a ride to release some endorphins and to meet Mrs C. for lunch. It wasn’t a long ride.  It was ...
  13. Daryl

    Digital storytelling and identity

    Last week, as an introduction to the ds106 course, I read Gardner Campbell’s “Personal Cyberinfrastructure” essay, and watched his presentation “No More Digital Facelifts”. I also watched Michael Wesch’s From Knowledge to Knowledge(able) video. I’ve been contemplating this all week, and to be honest, I’ve been trying to understand how these were connected to the ...
  14. Daryl

    Sing. Dance. Jump in puddles.

    This visual assignment for ds106 was to pick a bad photo, apply a vintage effect and write something in helvetica. Here’s mine: I’m not really sure what constitutes ‘bad’ in this context. The photo I chose doesn’t look too bad now that I’ve applied a B & W Effect (setting 9) in iPhoto. I added some ...
  15. Daryl

    Steal like an artist

    I love how Jim has built on my work — and improved it! It reminded me of an article I read recently, titled: How to steal like an artist (and 9 other things nobody told me). It’s one of the best pieces I’ve read in a while. A quote from the article: “Here’s what artists ...
  16. Daryl

    Sunday morning ride

    It was a beautiful, clear and crisp winter morning in Melbourne today. It’s been a while, but I finally jumped back in the saddle and went out for a decent bike ride. It wasn’t ideal weather for cycling, as there was a strong north-westerly wind with gusts up to 52km per hour.  There was a ...
  17. Daryl

    Dr. Oblivion is missing

    Dr. Oblivion has gone missing. Please help to return him home safely. I made this image, simply by: Deciding to use the idea of a missing person on a milk carton. I then set about Googling and downloading an image of a carton (something relatively plain) and took a screen grab of an image of ...
  18. Daryl


    Here’s a summary of my ‘personal cyberinfrastructure’: Hosting I’ve been self-hosting my own website since 2005. My host is Serversaurus and the physical infrastructure is located in Melbourne, Australia. I chose to host locally because there’s none of the inherent network latency and legal issues associated with hosting offshore. My account is cPanel-based. I also ...
  19. Daryl

    Okay, show me!

    Dr Oblivion wants an animated gif. Here’s mine — my favorite scene from John Carpenter’s Christine. It’s not quite the same without the dialogue (“Okay, show me!”) and the quirky music. I had been wondering why creating an animated gif was our first assignment. It seemed so 1994. Ah, the memories: spinning balls and rainbow ...
  20. Daryl

    I’m Back

    After a long hiatus, I’m blogging again. I could write a long, drawn out post explaining the reasons I stopped and why I’ve decided to start again, but I’m not going to. I just want to get going again. I’m taking the Digital Storytelling (also affectionately known as ds106) course — an open, online course. ...

ds106 in[SPIRE]