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A Little Sunday Flickr

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So I decided to try out the averaging concepts from Flickr assignment. I started by downloading Bulkr as advised by Tim Owens and used a flickr image search for “sunday” as it seemed fitting for today. Overall I liked the random assortment of pictures that came back on my search inquiry, probably why I decided to continue on this project with the sunday results. I originally put the 50 random photos into photoshop but for some reason the file saved much to large to upload onto here so I went back and did it again on picasa. The averaged image at the top is the one that I got from picasa but I think I was more a fan of the photoshop rendering because picasa made all the pictures the same size before averaging them whereas photoshop kept the photos their original size and it created a very cool looking border and some more distinct layers. If I can figure out how to make the photoshop rendering smaller I think I will load it on here later. This assignment definitely wasn’t the toughest but I like the idea and it introduced me to Bulkr and led me to download Picasa and Photoshop, none of these I had on my computer before.

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