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Seriously, I’ve never thought that I am an artist. I’ve considered myself a musical person but never artistic. So when Jim Groom sent me the introduction emails I was scared out of my mind! Well guess what, I’m still scared! After listening to “We Are All Artists” by Tim Owens, I realized that I am that person he’s talking about. When I look at everyone’s assignments I think to myself…what in the world am I doing in this class? I feel so inferior.

I love Tim’s idea of “In sports we accept the idea that with practice, we can get better. Why can’t we translate that to art?” I have never used or even known about most of these programs that I’ve been using lately. I’ve learned in only one week that I am uncomfortable in this class. But that makes me want to work harder. No longer am I going to think down about myself. I can and will succeed at ds106!!!

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