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Iā€™m sensing a pattern here. Design Assignment ā€“ Travel Poster

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You all probably think I’m obsessed with this movie now, haha.
But it’s giving me lots of inspiration!

Here’s my travel poster from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

Let’s see.. well, the line on the poster is from the movie itself. They first meet in Montauk, and then decide to find each other there later after erasing their memories.

I made this poster all myself, using no outside brushes or sources, just the tools in gimp. It was a challenge, that’s for sure, but it was very “back to basics” which I really enjoyed.
I used the font Cooper STD Heavy. Clementine and Joel are made by painstakingly making shapes and rotating and coloring them in.

All in all, I’m very happy with how this poster turned out. :3


  1. Feng Chen

    February 15, 2012

    It was nice to see something simple and nice, and yours definitely fit that category :) I like it. I haven’t seen this movie at all but I’m interested to see if the font were changed to be bubblier, would that convince me more?

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