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Kurtz MacSpubbleMuffin

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The idea for this one popped into my head on the way to the media center to do some work on a Windows machine. It consists of a hybrid between two of my favorite visual assignments: Messing with the MacGuffin and the Spubble.

Speaking of Spubble’s, Mr. Dangerfist might have just won the award for best Spubble forever with his Angry Birds /  Train Sleeper offering. The story in his blog post is killer.

I’ve heard that for a while Francis Ford Coppola was considering casting Orson Welles as Kurtz instead of Marlon Brando just as he’d considered Harry Dean Stanton instead of Martin Sheen as Willard. Imagine what a different film it would have been.

So the image below is my interpretation of how Brando would have taken the news that he didn’t get the part:

Kurtz MacSpubble

As for the process, I found the image through a Google image search, downloaded it, added the thought bubble  and text in Picnik, and sent it here after downloading from Picnik. Took about 5 minutes to do the image and another 15 to write up this post.

Doing this has caused me to imagine how different some of iconic films would have been had they been cast differently. Imagine Caddy Shack with Milton Berle instead of Rodney Dangerfield or Cool Hand Luke with Norman Fell instead of Paul Newman. This is verging on some sort of Triple Troll sort of visual assignment, but I need help in figuring out the specifics.

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