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An old geezer’s 1 Quote a Day – Round 4

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I remain hooked on this 1 Quote a Day assignment. In the comments on a recent 1QAD assignment on Mome’s blog, he pondered the idea of dropping clues in the comments section of the post. This seems like a good idea. The comments can also be used to discuss the significance of the film, song, game or comic from which the quote comes from I suppose.

For today’s 1QAD, I’m giving up on the film quotes were drawn from for the three previous days and shifting to another of my all time favorites. The quote is:

“Charlie don’t surf.”

Come to think of it, my all time favorite band did a song by the same title. So I guess there would be three possible entry points for this challenge:

What film is the line from? Who is the actor who said it? Name of the band who performed the song?

And I’ll drop a visual clue that should make this the first two questions easy as pie:

This is the clue

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