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Sometimes you feel lika a …

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Sometimes you feel like a ...

Here’s another one I’ve walked by countless times. Seems like every time I walk past the shop below this sign I think about taking a picture of it. Perhaps because it is so close to where I work, I feel strange about being seen taking a photograph – a fear that some colleague, student or administrator will see me. Or maybe I’m worried that the elderly proprietor of the shop will come out and scold me for taking a photograph without permission. Who knows?

But now that I’ve begun this daily project to bring back and share an image from my travels, I’m no longer deterred by such apprehension. It’s as though I’m on a mission or serving a bigger purpose.

I imagine several of the CIS0835 students have seen this shop and sign before. Others I’m sure haven’t noticed. It depends on whether you turn left, right or go straight ahead when you leave the “campus.”

I’ll leave it to the imagination of interested viewers to speculate on what kind of shop space can be found below the sign.

And now, I will no longer regret not snapping a shot when I walk past the used machine sign in the curious font.

Image: Sometimes you feel like a …. by me through CC Licensing

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