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Don’t Tread on Me

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Curb Sticker

This morning while walking to and returning from the subway station to drop off my youngest daughter for today’s Girl Scout activity, we noticed dozens of similar stickers as the one in the photo fastened to the curb at cross-walks. The character was in different poses but this was the most common.

It wasn’t until I was returning home that I became curious enough about who, why and how all these bright and fresh stickers appeared over an area spanning several blocks. These are heavily walked sidewalks – even on a Sunday. So they must have been placed during the night or in the early morning.

My guess is that this was done as some sort of prank. But it could just as easily be some sort of municipal campaign for pedestrian safety. Or it could be the roll-out of some mass marketing campaign for some new pop culture icon.

When I go back to pick my daughter up this afternoon, I’ll try to take snaps of some of the different stickers. Though I imagine by then they shall be quite a bit more scuffed up.

Incidentally, now that I’m trying to do some semi-regular photo work on this blog, I decided to get back in to the Flickr account. It only took me 90 minutes to track down the Yahoo User ID I’d set up. Still, it’s good to get reacquainted with Flickr.

Image: Curb Sticker by me through CC licensing

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