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1 Quote A Day: Writing Assignment

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This assignment is 1 Quote a Day by mome.
This is the description:

Quotes are awesome. They recall a time, a trend or can identify you with a certain group. Type up a simple line/quote/text-based meme today without divulging the source (or completing the quote). People who recognize the line can respond in the comments!    

As mome says in the description, quotes are great and they help remembering the happenings of the day.

I was soooo happy today.


I got a call from one of my friends. I have not talk to her for a long time since she lives in Niigata where it is a little far from Tokyo and we both are pretty busy.

She called me for no reason, but said to me that she was wearing the pierced earrings which we bought them together a few years ago. And that reminded her of me and wanting to call.

To my surprise, I was wearing the same pierced earrings and thinking of her on the day. Actually,  I lost the earrings few months ago and just found them under the desk last night!!

We talked on the phone for 4 hours (!!!) because we have not talked for ages and we both had lots and lots of things to talk about :D Many things changed since we met last time, she got a new hairstyle, changed her job, living in a new apartment, etc… It was really nice to talk to her (even though I had class from 8:00am next day and we were chatting till 4:00 am… but if i had no class, i think we talked longer…!!)

Recently, I have been pretty busy and stressed out to be honest, but a call from her really cheered me up :)
She made me to realize that there is a happiness all around. People often look for only special things or events make them happy. But true happiness is everywhere in ordinary days. It’s the matter of whether you can realize and appreciate it. Like Mai quotes the similar idea in her blog :)

After 3.11, the Great East Japan Earthquake, I think everyone are feeling the same way.

So here’s my 1 Quote a Day for today

“So easy to forget our love the little things we do like calling for no reason just to say the words I love you.”

(((?))) <3

Here’s how I did this assignment:
I took a picture of the earrings with my iphone and uploaded to Flickr.Then I editted the photo with Aviary ( this is my favorite app- it’s pretty easy to use it and useful! ). And embeded the photo here.
This is how I editted my photo :)

For the image of the quote, I searched with GoogleImage. Then put the quote and changed the font size, color, and style. It was a simple assignment but I really enjoyed doing it.

Hope you can figure it out who wrote this :)

It is one of my favorite songs. ?

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