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DS106: What I learned from this course

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In my very first post on this blog, I stated that I was double majoring in CT and Business. Well, I decided to drop Business and just have CT (and a minor in Art). Why? because of all the CT classes I took this semester…. specifically CT 101: DS106.

This was one of the most fulfilling classes that I have ever taken here at York, period. I mean, its based around the internet, you get to learn how to build and keep up a blog from scratch, your thoughts and ideas get to be read by people all over the world, you get to read and comment on other peoples’ blogs, you get to make gifs, use different media, play around with new programs like Audacity, ideas and inspiration get to be exchanged with others, and so much more. What art and technology lover wouldn’t want that?

This course basically helped me confirm what it is I should be doing with my life/career and for that I am thankful. Not to mention I met some of the coolest people in this class and in the CT program as a whole. And as for my blog, I will definitely be keeping it. I may not write a whole lot right now per se but I’m sure in the near future I’ll need it again. So, thank you Professor Smith and all of you guys for a fun and awesome semester! :)

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