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FTW: Today’s Lesson

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From today's Prezi

A big thanks to Ren for helping out with running the Prezi presentation today. I hope that you were/are able to get a clearer sense of what to do and how to do it in the coming weeks. Here’s a brief summary of what was covered:

  1. Who are the pioneers? This is covered in a previous post.
  2. What are we supposed to do? I won’t rewrite the exact text from the slide as a link is included in the first paragraph. Basically, you need to investigate the issues we cover in class and share your thoughts and findings in writing in your blog and as ds106 assignments (also posted on your blog).
  3. How do we do it? For this I tried to give two demonstrations. The first was basic use of your WordPress blog. The second was to share my process for selecting and doing ds106 assignments. As you’ll recall, I selected the Triple Troll Quote assignment. I will be posting that assignment prior to our next class and will give a brief demonstration on how I did the image work using the Gimp image editor.

Please realize that you are not required to do the same assignment. You may choose any of the assignments from any of the categories during the Pioneers’ Vision segment of the course.

In future sections, there my be some requirement about topic categories to choose from. I still haven’t decided this yet.

If you have any questions or concerns, please share them with me.

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