Shrim shrim. Okay. What about plugins you ask? What happened to your site? Dragon fruit? Scratches head.
Here are some of my emotions?

Setting up multisite is easy. Painfully easy, actually. WordPress is a huge help here. I’ll write a tutorial by Monday to clarify the whole process.
Anyways, the problem for me was twofold. I tried to switch over my blog from to and I was trying to figure out how network admin worked. My memory is still hazy but between my site defaulting to Hover for whatever reason unrelated multisite and some silly forwarding I did, I couldn’t get to my blog. So I deleted it all.
Now here I am back again. I’ve settled on for now. I wanted this to be like a hub, where I would push content from my blog to it and do other things. That, however, hasn’t happened because I couldn’t get any of my plugins to activate on the entire network, and I refuse to install plugins twice on and Anyways, here are the plugins I’m using:
Jetpack: This is a whole host of features in one plugin from adding functionality to your post bar, setting up subscriptions, website stats and security. Not much more to say, I just have it active and I can’t pinpoint which features have been added but I believe it’s useful.
Page Links To: A small plugin that will send a menu or page to another website. So on my site, you see DS106 at the top. This is just a page that when you click, links to the currently nonexistant blog. Can be used to send you anywhere else, so pretty cool.
Three WPBroadcast: An interesting tool for multisite that allows you to push posts to other blogs. Though I haven’t used it yet, definitely a good tool if you want to connect posts between blogs.
YD Network-wide options: A plugin that allows you to activate plugins on a network basis. I don’t really like the layout of the plugin it just is a massive list of various features that are hard to sort through, and I still couldn’t get my plugins to activate on
MU Domain Mapping: I was going to use this when I was still figuring out multisite. I could give a tutorial on how to install, but since I don’t actually have different domains then I haven’t used it.
For sanity, I’m ending this here because thinking about plugins and multisite makes me feel bad and angry. Hah ahaa ha.
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