Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92751 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Brian Brown

    Red Sail

    The arrival of the end.  My journey here is almost done.  Soon I will be moving off into the world to find my own place.  To care for my own little plot of earth like Candide.  Yet, before I take off, I leave you this last post.  This final mark and sending off into the world. ...
  2. Brian Brown

    Week 14 in TDC

    Darkness has descended upon this land.  Still, my time is not over.  A grand show still awaits to emblazon the night sky.   TDC 99; Innovation   TDC 100; Woot! TDC 101; Mirror mirror on the wall who has the finest feet of them all TDC 103; Captured feelings
  3. Brian Brown

    Week 13 in TDC

    Go on gentle soul, time is almost at an end, Tdc 95, careful friend.  The meeting could be dangerous…   Tdc 97, bumper of modesty reflecting three candles on its black sheen:   You wonder, now, where’s the third? Alas, there is no third.  Wicked I am.  Trust me, I will make my amends for ...
  4. Brian Brown


    So there’s this game.  Take a story and build upon it.  The remix, on the other hand, says what’s the back story.  What’s the prequel.  What really led up to this character Joe the Clown.  And leave out the Jar Jar Binks, or in this case, Victoria Powers. …. The Very Beginning Part I/II: Despair ...
  5. Brian Brown


    So there’s this game.  Take a story and build upon it.  The remix, on the other hand, says what’s the back story.  What’s the prequel.  What really led up to this character Joe the Clown.  And leave out the Jar Jar Binks, or in this case, Victoria Powers. …. The Very Beginning Part I/II: Despair ...
  6. Brian Brown

    Remix Assignment 701

    Hey crew! For this this Remix Assignment 701 , which I terribly spent way too long on, I turned up the cheese!  Haha No really the assignment is named turned up the cheese.  i adobe illustratored it.  tada! and then i heard the creek of the floorboard behind me and I knew my mistake.  I ...
  7. Brian Brown

    Taint Consecrations

    The seedy underbelly of DS106 is covered with phonies, spouting their virtuosity at every step of the way.  Suckling on the tit of the Reverend, calling on their impotent ingenuity as something to be appreciated… Tiny albeit noticeable pulses of disgust radiated somewhere in my brain after viewing the base, immoral film that is “Finding Beauty ...
  8. Brian Brown

    Unsheathe Thy Sword

    As submitted by the one, honorable Noiseprofessor, the mashup assignment Buffalax cause for the dubbing of a foreign piece to create a new and very profitable product. With the forty minute clock hastily ticking, Jack mentioned Japanese and some slice n dice machine so we searched ahead on Youtube.  And somehow we stumbled upon a film I ...
  9. Brian Brown

    Editing Process

    Alas, I will not be discussing the ins and outs of Final Cut Pro.  I will reserve that lively discussion to a later point, but rest easy for I assure you the program is wonderfully effective.   Instead, today, I will be stepping back and looking at the overall aim of what I want to produce. ...
  10. Brian Brown

    Ever and Anon

    I can see the light.  The journey is almost over, but there are still a few more steps to take. But we will make it.  Sure we will.  I know it.  Take my hold.  Only a little bit further. This is a day of my life.  Filmed on March 26, 2012.  So long ago it ...
  11. Brian Brown

    Dancing Damsels

    Cash in the check.  Army of salvation.  Troubled mind, troubled tale, troubled world.    Little weeping man. This is the vision, of the future. I settled upon completing the very first assignment in video, of which no one had dared try.  Thinking through what I wanted to do, I found this application called Cartoonic.  Cartoonic ...
  12. Brian Brown

    Sea Mist

    Originality… Often after reading a book, I have a tendency to write in that authors.  This was particularly so after reading A Confederacy of Dunces.  I couldn’t help but feel Ignatius’s fiery rhetoric coursing through my veins to the tip of my fingers.  And this isn’t wrong, and should never be wrong. The issue I found with ...
  13. Brian Brown

    Ethics of Filming

    In ‘The Ethics of Filming”, Calvin Pryluck raises a difficult dilemma for those wishing to aim the lens of their camera out into the world: “What is the boundary between society’s right to know and the individual’s right to be free of humiliation, shame, and indignity?” There is a true austerity to this question and one that ...
  14. Brian Brown

    Everything is Broken

    At last, enthused reader, there are times when the world corners you.  There are times, just when life seems to drift so easily like the clouds, you hit a mountain and are pulled uncontrollably into the atmosphere and forced, fated cloud, to empty your soul onto the earth below. Alas, life does not end there. ...
  15. Brian Brown

    Week 10 in TDC

    Another week gone, here’s to the memories: TDC 79, Geology: Clearly the small boulder in my front yard is an erratic placed by the immense glacier forces that carved gentle hills on this landscape   Tdc 81, Mess: Seven Red Stripes, six white stripes, and a hell of a lotta stars   Tdc 83, Where: ...
  16. Brian Brown


    And there it was.  Brown, fluffy, and ferocious.  Stalking the grounds in the backyard. Then something caught the beasts attention; something green, something leafy protruding for the belly of the earth.  Yes, there was a leafy morsel to satiate the driving hunger. I took inspiration from Tokyo50mm and her thirty second documentary in a park.  Actually, ...
  17. Brian Brown

    Sir Wren Idy

    Ben, I don’t think you are wrong in your idea of Serenity Now.  But somewhere, along ten minutes of repetition, you start to go into serenity overload.   You become bitten with a tinge of insanity.  Ha. Ha ha. Hahahaaha. Ha.  Ho. Hoooohoohohoho.   Watch.  Watch.  Watch. Serenity, Serrenity, seeerrrrennnitttyyyy….   Splice.  Again.  But first. ...
  18. Brian Brown

    Sir Wren Idy

    Ben, I don’t think you are wrong in your idea of Serenity Now.  But somewhere, along ten minutes of repetition, you start to go into serenity overload.   You become bitten with a tinge of insanity.  Ha. Ha ha. Hahahaaha. Ha.  Ho. Hoooohoohohoho.   Watch.  Watch.  Watch. Serenity, Serrenity, seeerrrrennnitttyyyy….   Splice.  Again.  But first. ...
  19. Brian Brown

    Week 9 in TDC

    Alas, here we hault upon this grass field to look behind and us and see what we have passed   TDC 72, heirlooms and memories of ice: TDC 73, yellow you fraud: TDC 76, gaze into the soul of your ancient friends:
  20. Brian Brown

    Chitinous Hopes

    Words from the man himself.  Not everything is going to be a success.  This assignment was far beyond what I wanted to do or expected to be.  Sure redub.  I’ll just write up a new script, record on soundclound, download, and the overlay the original clip. But then you get in there, and you realized that ...
  21. Brian Brown

    Estranged Freedom

    If this is what creating a personal cyber infrastructure is, I don’t know if I want it.  Who am I?  What have I done?  Why does the air smell so sickly and sultry?  I am Frankenstein, consumed, nay, obsessed with his machinations but infested with a disgust, rid and shaking consumption. Let me first give ...
  22. Brian Brown

    Tied Up

    As discussed previously in a post earlier this week, Oldboy is a commanding film worthy of attention.  While the plot (which I still wish to leave out so as not to get caught up issues of ethics and morality)  is bizarre, I found the scene I review below compelling. It harkens, in some ways, back to ...
  23. Brian Brown

    A Reason to Film

    While I await upon Amazon to ship little data storage devices to my home so that I can strip my hard-drive down to carry all my footage from Monroe to duPont, I’ll write about why I am doing what I am doing. Baraka is a documentary of sorts.  How about you start with this scene ...
  24. Brian Brown

    A Reason to Film

    While I await upon Amazon to ship little data storage devices to my home so that I can strip my hard-drive down to carry all my footage from Monroe to duPont, I’ll write about why I am doing what I am doing. Baraka is a documentary of sorts.  How about you start with this scene ...
  25. Brian Brown

    A Reason to Film

    While I await upon Amazon to ship little data storage devices to my home so that I can strip my hard-drive down to carry all my footage from Monroe to duPont, I’ll write about why I am doing what I am doing. Baraka is a documentary of sorts.  How about you start with this scene ...
  26. Brian Brown

    Week 8 in TDC

    I can’t claim I am best behind the camera but, alas, here we are in week 8 video creations.   TDC 66 – Thoughts on the Road   TDC 68 – Disturbing Beauty (Again while on the Road)   TDC 69 – Last hours to Live (Car situation entirely unplanned)
  27. Brian Brown

    Defiled Senses

    Twelve Angry Men.  I play Juror 10, reworking playing on his fiery albeit baseless emotion.  And I conclude my redub with Juror 8, instilling Truths to all.   Juror 10: I don’t understand you people I mean all these picky little points you keep bringing up. They don’t mean nothing. You heard what was played ...

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