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How do the people in your group affect the outcome of yourwork?
As I stated in my last post about group work, I don’t enjoyit. I worry about how the others will do working in the group. There are somepeople who help in the group and then there are those folks who don’t reallycare about anything. For some reason, I always got put with the group ofslackers. Maybe because the teacher thought I could motivate them to do work.Well, that was not the case. It happened all the time in my English classes.And honestly, it started to piss me off. I started to hate group work, and whenwe did have group work I would beg my teacher to let me do a project by myself.I usually had a good argument, and ended up doing projects by myself. 
It makes me nervous to do group work. I am afraid thatpeople wont pull their weight and leave one or two of us to do the entireproject. And in the end their name gets put on the final project. 
When we were assigned our groups for out Wikki page, I was alittle concerned. I hadn’t ever talked to either one of the people in thegroup, and I hadn’t read any blog posts from either of them either. I wasnervous. So when our new groups were assigned, and Ms. Sasser asked if wewanted to be in new groups I was thankful. I was excited when Christian claimedme. It seems like he and I are one of the very few who talk in class. I am atalker, and I enjoy participating in discussion. I wanted a group where I couldhave a good discussion with the people. People who are shy aren’t good groupworkers, in my opinion.  WhenShelbi and Christian were paired with me I was quite excited. Christian talkedin class and I knew Shelbi was a hard worker. I knew that we would be a goodgroup. I am happy to have these two in my group for the rest of the semester.
The personalities of the people in your group are a bigfactor in the work you put into your project. I think if you can get along wellwith your peers and create a good friendship the project will be a success. Ifyou are kind of standoffish, and don’t talk in your group, then well your groupis going to be awkward and unpleasant. In the end it all matters about how youbuild that relationship with your peers. 

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